20th- 22nd jun 07~~
Day 1
~~take a walk along the beach after d dinner.. it's d 1st time i saw "blue tears"..!~~
~~rest in a hut when v r tired~~
Day 2
~~dis is 1 of the memorial park.. i 4gotten wat is it for~~
~~c behind~~
~~where is ur "gan jue"..? if dun hav... "hut" arrrrr...!!! ~~
~~nice view~~
~~another pose~~
~~d satay fish processing place after destroy by fire~~
~~v reach the temple in pangkor island~~
~~v love d pic taken on stairs~~
~~ppl down there.. pls take a photo 4 us~~
~~she fu beauties... =p~~
~~big "yuen".. hope to improve our yuen after touching it..? haha...~~
~~v r at vy top of the temple~~
~~the highest place dat v can reach~~
~~outside of hui huan's grandma's house~~
~~this is our ship.. with mr.jack behind~~
~~the high class chalet. i saw ppl taking bath in the open air toilets~~
~~wat does it look lik..? it is a turtle~~
~~2 workers working hard.. impressed by their pose of working~~
~~wat is this..? a whale..!!~~
~~i nvr be so brave~~
~~mei shan was hust by the "hai dan"~~
~~wow.. lots of fish.. bt nt as nice as perhentian~~
~~finally v settle on a beach.. i remembered dis is d beach which i had buffet lunch on my last trip here wif brandon they all~~
~~wow... muscular guys..? haha..~~
~~y i alw nt success in jumping..?~~
~~siew qi, hui wen, jing jing.. u al r so lucky.. there's so many background ppl~~
~~she fu-19 was on pangkor beach~~
~~waitin for turns to take bath after back fr pangkor island trip.. all of us r exhausted.. sze wen & i went tien fong's house to take bath...~~
~~v r going to shop 4 souvenirs~~
~~since when wei liang open a chicken rice shop in pangkor..?~~
~~ nice...? bt v din bought it..hehe~~
~~outside the souvenirs shop~~
~~a photo outside d ouse v stay in pangkor~~
~~dis gp of ppl.. taking poto while walking~~
~~pei luan & mei shan.. wat r u al fighting for wif the toiletries..?~~
~~it is still early in the mrng~~
~~again at the jetty of pangkor~~
~~dis is d bus v took to cameron.. i was shocked when i saw it..~~
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