Surabaya – balikpapan

~~ my mummy crazy wif me.. haha..=p ~~


~~chocalates cake~~

~~ so many food on d table~~

~~ at the airport lounge~~
12nd june 06~~
I wake up at 6am dis mrng..! our flight to balikpapan is 1020am.. v went some where to eat soto bfr going to d airport.. at d airport, dat’s a lounge for some bank’s cards holder.. it’s free.. my uncle took out 4 cards n al of us went into d lounge for food n drinks while waiting for d flight.. again i spend my time sleeping dis1 n a half hour on d flight.. balikpapan’s time is same wif Malaysia while surabaya’s time is 1 hour later den malaysia’s time.. my cousin who r getting married n another dunno who came to fetch us.. i juz can’t rmb ho long i din meet my dis cousin.. i dun hav any idea how he look lik bfr i meet hi today..!
wow.. i totally can’t rmb how’s balikpapan look like le.. v were sent to my 3rd uncle’s house to put luggage.. after dat, my mum n auntie bring me n m cousin to my 1st “yi ma” shop.. dey spent their time chatting there n it’s totally boring for me..! v plan to sleep at 1st “yi ma” house.. after chatting, v take a walk along d street.. when v r buying some food outside my 4th uncle shop, my 4th auntie saw us n come to great us.. v bring d food into her shop to eat.. i can now imagine how big is my mum’s family.. along dis street, dat’s 4shops is own by my mum’s family member..! however, their shop is quite old style.. i mean.. design.. i juz wonder how can dey earn so much wif those shop..!
at nite, v went to my cousin’s new house.. his house is a bungalow… he bring us to visit his new house.. dat’s a room theater system in d secret room.. it’s a very nice n big house.. anyway.. it mayb too big for 2ppl.. =p dat’s so so many ppl in d new house.. all of dem r my relatives but i dunno dem well.. here i met michelle.. my niece fr US.. she looks very cute but abit too manja liao.. act i got ot much things to do other den watch foodball batch.. it’s japan’s vs Australia match now.. a match dat make me so so gek sam..! japan lose 1-3 after leading by 1-0 til 83 minutes..! since there’s so many ppl here. It’s quite hard to go out for dinner.. dey bought some food back as our dinner.. it’s sate wif lontong, n some fried bihun n rice.. v went home n my mum n auntie dey all continue chatting in d room bfr sleeping while i sit there to watch another football match.. i reli kenot tahan liao.. very tired… so dey stop chatting after i 1na sleep..!
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