Singapore trip -- day 2
~~ candy empire~~

~~wealthy fountain at suntech city~~

~~ near prince george park residence~~

~~kent ridge hall~~
6th june 06~~v plan to wake up at 9am but it’s edi 930 when v wake up.. v dun hav time to eat our breakfast at art fac as v r going to meet rue’s auntie.. v went kovan… i think i’s a place for rich ppl to stay as there’s many bungalow there.. rue’s auntie n uncle treat us a meal at a restaurant.. it’s our “brunch”..! after dat, dey fetch us to suntech city.. it’s my 2
nd time here.. it doesn’t change much.. rue’s auntie let us shop by ourselves n v’l meet back at 430pm.. i think
korea movie is quite famous here cos i can some shop selling many
korea movies.. again, rue’s auntie n uncle treat us a meal at a restaurant.. it’s dim sum during tea time..! haha.. d wealthy fountain is juz outside d restaurant… dis time, dat’s no water pushing up ad d fountain so v din get wet when v walk ard d fountain..
after dat, v went another 2 new shopping centre near suntech city.. omg.. i 4get d shopping centre name..! it’s a very good place to shop compare wif orchard road.. however, v dun hav much time to shop..! gekk… v found many special chocolate in candy empire..!! y dat’s no such shop in Malaysia… haiz.. bfr leaving, rue’s auntie n uncle treat us to try d curry puff at a stall.. it’s nice..! v r too full to hav another cup of ice-cream as our plan.. rue’s uncle drive ard Singapore to let us hav a look to singapore’s nite view bfr fetch us to train station.. v reli appreciate rue’s uncle n auntie for being our tour guide n treat us so many meal today.. i din buy anything at Singapore except some chocolates..
in d train, dat’s a gp of malay buy 3 extra bed sit for their luggage.. wow.. it’s how’s my Singapore trips end.. will i come back to study..? d chance seems very very small.. i can’t deny dat nus is a very good uni.. but.. haizz… dunno la.. i wonder whether myself can suits singapore’s life.. i think im not so independent until i can stay alone or survive in dis country without family.. mayb i can, but wil my life be happy..? as wen sed, singaporean earn money as hardworking as dey can so dat dey can spend as much as dey can… hmmm.. i can feel so when i c d ppl here shopping.. every of dem surely hav buy something n hold in their hand.. for me, i can’t spend so much here if i study here bcos of d currency.. haiz..dis is another problem… dis is my 1st time having a bed sitting on d train.. v din chat alots lik 1st nite when v come here.. all of us is so tired edi..!
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