22nd-24th june 07~~
~~having breakfast at ipoh... ~~
~~the card for shi xiong.. it's done by yee chuin wif the dedication fr all she fu-19 member.. those person standing in d middle r our shi xiong.. yee chuin.. u r so creative!! ~~
~~finally... v reached cameron~~
~~cameron's view is amazing with its plantation~~
~~v saw d banner publisiting she fu-18 activity along the way to our destination~~
~~walking to the apartment. it's really a long journey.. luckily the uncle send the luggage for us~~
~~she fu-19 beauties... all wearing skirt for the events... looks totally different wif our look during usual activities... with big t-shirt and jeans..sometimes even wif track bottom~~
~~the photo is taken fr 2 stairs above.. gals.. u al look reli great today...~~
~~the handsome guys in she fu-19..plus a yin xiu's bf-han xiong...=p~~
~~li gang.. r u sure u r suffering ? or "an suang"..? =p~~
~~welcome to she fu-18 wu jin deng~~
~~presenting the cards to shi xiong... thx 4 everything that u al did 4 she fu 19~~
~~suprised n touched by the delicate cards from all of us?~~
~~ready to watch the shi xiong's performance~~
~~she fu-18 and the "yi gong tuan"~~
~~on the stage wif shi xiong~~
-cactus valley & strawberry farm-
~~it's hot~~
~~cactus valley.. of cos v need to present our cactus pose~~
~~i had nvr c so much varities of cactus~~
~~the hibiscus is larger than my face!! ~~
~~ r u "birf fr the heaven"..? hehe...~~
~~hello flower... wat's ur name..? ~~
~~ppl up there.. pls take a pic of us.. hehe...~~
-tea plants-
~~stop at the midlde journey to take photo~~
~~she fu 19 in tea plants~~
~~my old fren~~
~~may kay, sze wen, and i.. nice view~~
-BOH tea farm-~~welcome~~
~~our BOH people.. hui juan, pei qian, yean sun, pei ruan~~
~~ ready.. 1, 2, 3 go...~~
~~the nutrition gals... ladies wong fei hung? haha~~
~~posing.. wonder whether the bench can support us~~
~~still.. siew way is the sexiest~~
~~yen sun, sock keng, siew way~~
~~thx 4 going so far to take the photo 4 us~~
~~ "yeng" gal & big tree trunks~~
~~wei liang.. u r so sexy.... can fight w siew way!!~~
~~the devil's gal~~
~~wei liang...! the machos ~~
~~"bao 1-6".. all of u r arrested~~
-bee farm-
~~"shi xiong" meet us after their activities~~
~~k-17 b-2-11 & b-2-12 housemate~~
~~at the small
-night market-~~wei.. u al block the road le~~
~~thx yi xian 4 the flowers to all of us...hehe~~
~~the secondary sch student fr tapah~~
--strawberry moment--

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