^ fr frenster blog^
ning ann's bday
5th dec 05~~
today is ning ann's bday...v r told 2 wear our best 2her bday celebration..! wow..wear our best..reli take me a long time 2think of wat 2wear... reach pyramid at 615pm...anyway...jun lynn n sze wen dey all haven reach although v r suppose 2meet at 6pm 2shop 4 ann's present..i end up wif shopping alone in sp for almost half an hour...juz feel dat it's quite stupid shopping alone..! i will nvr do it again..!!almost 20 of us went 4 ann's celebration at magical restaurant..actually d restaurant is open by rue hann's ns fren..d atmosphere there is very nice...v r all fascinated by those magic tricks shown by robin n david..(d magicians)...reach home at 1230am n it's quite early compare 2 last friday nite..! i reli dun understand y so many ppl born on dec..! my hp calender is almost full of bday reminder for december..!
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