21st may 06~~
V giv dem a mrng call when it’s time 4breakfast.. how..? play mahjong as loud as possible.. haha.. however, it’s no use to dem..! v go down 4breakfast ard 8pm.. it’s my 3rd time eating hotel’s style breakfast… c d food oso sien liao.. i knw it’s not good having such feeling.. after lunch, ee ling n all guys except pang hou went to bus station 2search 4bus ticket to melaka.. me, li yur,
Me, li yur, pang hou n dao took taxi to melaka..! dis journey took us almost one and a half hour… i spent all d time sleeping in d taxi… i guess every1 same w me…. Our 1st stop is d chicken ball rice shop..! it’s my 1st time tasting chicken ball rice.. after dat, d guys r going 2 bus station to buy ticket going back 2kl while d gals was leave here 4 shopping…! At 1st v plan to go mahkota mall 4cendol.. however, d guys unable 2find d way there n v r left shopping for more den 1hour at melaka street.. so v decided 2eat an kim hock’s cendol.. v ask a shopkeeper for d way to d shop.. luckily it’s oni 15minutes walk… n now v get d guys call dat dey reach mahkota mall liao.. y everything so kek huh..? so v decided 2call dem back to here..! dat’s 2 different cendol here.. 1 wif coconut taste n another wif durian taste..! bfr d guys came, v finished our cendol.. v din speak anything as v knw dat dey r very geram bcos of drive so long..!
After cendol, v decided to go for dinner.. v manage 2find the famous satay celop’s restaurant.. v r their 1st customer tonite..! hehe.. it’s oni 5pm something now..! v start our dinner now.. at 1st v juz plan to taste a few food here n continue our dinner at another nyonya restaurant.. however, v continue taking food fr d counter.. it’s to full for us 2continue eating at another restaurant… bfr v r leaving, d ppl put down a big prawn on our table.. v juz put it into d satay sauce bcos v think of finish d food on d table… as v read d newspaper which introducing dis restaurant, v oni realize dat dis prawn cost rm6..! wow.. v r cheated..! hmmm.. next time muz be careful wif those business man tactics..! it’s ard 630pm now.. so v decided not to go mahkota mall n go sentral bus station straight away.. now v try to squeeze 8ppl in atos wif all of luggage inside.. ytd was no luggage so v can sit at d boot.. n now.. li yur sit on pang hou, me sit on en hou, n
Melaka’s road is so “kek”.. many 1 way road n many end road without sign..! v drive a few round bfr v could find d way out to d bus station..! ee ling,
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