1st sem is over..!! hurrey..!
~~out IT lecturer.. does he looks like our coursemate..? ~~
~~rue & me in bio-chem lab..~~
~~looks profesional..? haha.. ~~
~~the living room of k-17 hostel..~~
~~last day of bio-hem lab~~
~~UPM medic & health science fac.. cool..?~~
~~ kolej 17 UPM...~~
~~thx johnson... v r compulsory to wear dis during lab~~
~~guess which r d lab assistants...? hehe..~~
~~mei ying, gigi, ling hui & me.. my bio-chem lab groupmates~~
9th nov 06~~
d bio-chem paper end on 1030am.. hurrey.. finally everything is over..! although din do very well in d paper, but stil very happy.. haha.. d stupid ptptn is so ma fan.. again v need 2 go main campus to sign some documents.. every1 hav their own plan after d exam.. so din went out w coursemate.. for me.. i spent my whole afternoon packing to go home.. hurrey.. no more staying in hostel in next 2 months.. get xui li's sms dat she's going to pass some notes to me.. v spent ard 3 hours chatting in her room..! thx xui li for all d notes n advices...! it's ard 3pm when i go home..! my car is full wif all my stuff...
1st sem has passed by... every1 of us feel dat it's too fast edi.. stil rmb d week v r having orientation.. followed by metta camp, AIESEC gathering, exam, coursenite, OBE, exam again, presentation, assignments, birthday celebrationss, joining she fu, mooncake festival celebration, n.... huh.. seems lik i joined lots of activities in dis sem...d oni word i can describe everything is busy.. hmmm.. how abt fun..? true oso.. but 1st come to my mind is busy... n now i can take a break bfr 2nd sem start.. act it's quite scary in 2nd sem bcos i'l be more bz then 1st sem.. PAP, she fu, AIESEC, then planning to join yoga class... plus d subject dat taken will be harder.. hope dat im able to cope w it..
abt d academic, i reli feel lik i din learn anything.. hmm.. how to say le.. v need to study so many thing in such a short time.. i dun think i hav understand everything in deep.. sometimes even.. aiyah.. wun come out in exam de la.. no need study... juz feel lik i mis alots of things..! sigh.. nvm la..! another thing.. dunno who's d 1 who tell me that uni life is very relax n nice if u r stpm graduated.. i reli feel lik hitting d person now.. there'l be 3 camps for me dis holidays... she fu training camp, NLDS, n AB camp.. seems lik im quite greedy to join too much camp.. act i juz feel lik joining these camp as a 1st year student... next year im 2nd year edi... d feeling of joining is sure different.. mayb'l be d committee in dis camp next year.. c 1st la.. haha.. last but not least.. hey frens.. happy holidays..!

9th nov 06~~
d bio-chem paper end on 1030am.. hurrey.. finally everything is over..! although din do very well in d paper, but stil very happy.. haha.. d stupid ptptn is so ma fan.. again v need 2 go main campus to sign some documents.. every1 hav their own plan after d exam.. so din went out w coursemate.. for me.. i spent my whole afternoon packing to go home.. hurrey.. no more staying in hostel in next 2 months.. get xui li's sms dat she's going to pass some notes to me.. v spent ard 3 hours chatting in her room..! thx xui li for all d notes n advices...! it's ard 3pm when i go home..! my car is full wif all my stuff...
1st sem has passed by... every1 of us feel dat it's too fast edi.. stil rmb d week v r having orientation.. followed by metta camp, AIESEC gathering, exam, coursenite, OBE, exam again, presentation, assignments, birthday celebrationss, joining she fu, mooncake festival celebration, n.... huh.. seems lik i joined lots of activities in dis sem...d oni word i can describe everything is busy.. hmmm.. how abt fun..? true oso.. but 1st come to my mind is busy... n now i can take a break bfr 2nd sem start.. act it's quite scary in 2nd sem bcos i'l be more bz then 1st sem.. PAP, she fu, AIESEC, then planning to join yoga class... plus d subject dat taken will be harder.. hope dat im able to cope w it..
abt d academic, i reli feel lik i din learn anything.. hmm.. how to say le.. v need to study so many thing in such a short time.. i dun think i hav understand everything in deep.. sometimes even.. aiyah.. wun come out in exam de la.. no need study... juz feel lik i mis alots of things..! sigh.. nvm la..! another thing.. dunno who's d 1 who tell me that uni life is very relax n nice if u r stpm graduated.. i reli feel lik hitting d person now.. there'l be 3 camps for me dis holidays... she fu training camp, NLDS, n AB camp.. seems lik im quite greedy to join too much camp.. act i juz feel lik joining these camp as a 1st year student... next year im 2nd year edi... d feeling of joining is sure different.. mayb'l be d committee in dis camp next year.. c 1st la.. haha.. last but not least.. hey frens.. happy holidays..!
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