18th may 06~~
after breakfast , v r ready to go 4 2nd snorkeling.. d whole room is full of sunblock smell..! haha … dis time v took a big boat—lik fishing boat 2 d venue of snorkeling.. it’s so tired after d 1st spot of snorkeling.. at d 2nd sport of snorkeling, most of dem c a turtle but I din..! gek arr… it’s now lunch time.. I dun feel reli well so din eat much.. i took a nap bfr d afternoon snorkeling.. most of d guy except jia liang n ley yee din join d afternoon snorkeling.. mayb most of dem is too tired.. although im not feeling well, but I decided 2go cos reli dun 1na stay in d room since im now edi in perhentian..! dis time dey bring us 2c shark fish.. anyway.. none of us seens an shark fish here.. nvm.. I swim wif shark fish bfr in langkawi last time.. I juz feel “ke xi” cos din c a turtle…! I juz dunno wat happen 2myself.. I keep on vomit during every time of my snorkeling at perhentian island..!
again, v play in d sea bfr our tea time..! most of us r reli tired.. v juz sit tere after tea time n watch d guys playing volleyball while v playing “chor tai tee” oso..! v oso sleep at d bench facing d sea..! bfr d day turns into nite, v play, chat n laugh in d sea..! at last, v play killer games.. it’s so fun..1 I become a successful killer..! hehe..! =p v r stil in d sea although most of d ppl is sitting at restaurant 4dinner.. v r having bbq dinner tonite..! v decided take bath after dinner..! d dinner was reli nice..! bfr v take bath, dat’s a fire show presented by 2guys n a gal..! it’s amazing..!
after bath, it’s concert time..! v brought our own live and here…! =p our live band name is “stress”… its member r ley yee, dao, wai ting n tze hoe..! they r so “pro”..! dey spend their free time n perhentian island practicing songs 4tonite’s concert..! v sit in a small tent which used 4 massage in d mrng.. dey present abt 10 songs.. d feeling is so good.. listening 2 ppl singing wif guitars wif d sounds of d sea wave plus oni a bit of light..! main thing is.. 4 of dem can sing very very well..”stress” jia you oh.. anyway, at the end of our concert, dat’s some1 ask us 2 leave d place as it’s not 4us to use..! luckily d concert was end..! however, d show continue n now v sit on d beach to watch it..
v decided 2 go back 2 d room 2play games.. it’s killer games again… dis time wen zhi yong’s room as their room is biggest..! v plan not 2sleep tonite so dat v can watch sun rise tml..! anyway, when it’s ard 430pm, most of dem 1na sleep 4 a while bfr sun rise… ley yee dey all so geng.. dey move d mahjong table at d restaurant up 2 d hotel room n play mahjong… ley yee, dao, sze wen, 3”pro”est play mahjong together while me, lynn, xiang hou, n zhi yong play “chor tai tee” together..! at 6am, v went down d beach n wait 4sun rise.. I slept a few minutes while lying on d bench… again it’s so cloudy today… v knw dat it’s impossible 4us 2c a very nice sunrise.. every1 go back into room to sleep except rue, ann n me..! v stay there n wait.. take photo.. write on d beach… at last, v went back our room 2sleep 4 a while..!
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