6th may 2006~~
V wake up at 8am today… v had bread n milo as our breakfast… khai ee join us while v r having our breakfast… after dat, v went beach 2hav fun..! at 1st tot dun 1na make ourselves wet, but d beach is juz too “yin you” liao..! I tink im d 1st going down 2d beach… d make myself half wet..! teng n poh wan ride hourse along d beach..! v play beach football..! it’s too tiring.. v change our games 2 “har n mat wah” again..! d places here is wider n d way 2 “denda” ppl become more..! khai ee is juz too kesian bcos he’s stil new 2dis games plus he sitting beside some “gou sao”..!
After al, v reli sien of sitting there while dat’s a big sea waiting 4us..! v start 2play in the sea..! at 1st, every1 is so “si wen”.. after dat, d real us appear…! v play “bao jin dap” until crazy in d sea..! v reli hav lots of fun playing..! even khai ee sed dat v’r crazy..! n now it start raining edi… dun care.. v stil continue playing… reli kenot stop le..! after playing “bao jin dap”, v play wif d wave in d sea..! it’s so fun as all of us singing together n mke jokes all the time..! every1 is tired liao.. so v went back 2bayu emas swimming pool..! teng hurts her toe here..! I can feel her paint… I think dis is another reason doctor is not my choice of future job… once after v back 2apartment, v bz preparing lunch 4every1.. v r having spaghetti as our lunch… khai ee, alex n fei accompany teng went 2consult doctor..!
After having our lunch, me, san, yean n fei playing chor tai tee…! It’s not a trip if din play chor tai tee le..! haha.. but v manage 2play oni 2rounds bcos v r going 2jungle tracking..! ah teng is reli our hero..! she complete d whole jungle tracking w hurt toe..! let’s giv a big clap 4her..! on d way of jungle tracking, dat’s a “who want 2 be a millionaire” games between san n fei.. dey r juz too funny..!v almost 1na turn back bfr reach usm area cos it’s edi 5pm liao… khai ee is worried abt our safety..! anyway.. v r all wira n wirawati.. wun giv up so easily.. plus if v turn back, it waste all our time here.. v walk faster 2d destination n at last.. v reach there..! d water here is clearer.. v stay less den half an hour here as it’s reli very late liao.. when I took photo wif khai ee n alex.. dunno y all of dem suddenly sed dat me n alex look alike..! haha..! so funny..! on d way back 2 starting point, v saw jelly fish n oso crab..! me n siao yun get 4th place together… hehe..! =p
After back 2apartment, is time 4us 2prepare steamboat..! at 1st me, Kelly, siao yun n yean stil 1na o swimming pool.. however, it’s full of Indians..! scary ..! v decided 2 prepare steamboat 1st n come down again later..! wow.. it’s edi 7pm..! d swimming pool is stil full of ppl although it’s very dark now..! v can oni hear some noise fr d pool…
So v do a small “disco” at our own apartment..! d feeling is not bad cos no ppl smoking here..haha..! however, oni a few of us 1na go out to “dance floor”.. haha.. so funny..! poh wan n fei bz sms-ing..! lee hwa n su hua is not so interested in dancing I guess.. plus dey r tired liao.. so sleep edi.. ah teng watch mi3 wif tim at gurney..! kelly is so pro in dancing.. she teach me, siao yun, yean n fei dance..! khai ee visit us ard 12am.. dat time, everything stop as Kelly chatting wif khai ee… others continue their 2nd round eating steamboat..! after khai ee left 4duty, v got no more mood 2dance liao.. after eating, v sit together in teh living room 4sharing..! siao yun n Kelly fall asleep on d half way while me, san, yean n fei bcome more exite n continue chatting..! after teng come back, it’s almost 4am liao..v oso dunno wat 2chat some more.. v go back into d room 4chatting n ready 2sleep..! bfr sleeping, v went poh wan’s room.. her reaction is juz too cute.. open her eye ver big n ask—“huh..? so fast mrng edi..? u all din sleep arr..”… hehe..=p all of us sleep ard 5am..!
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