genting snow world...last day of chipsmoreland

10th may 2006~~
im so lazy 2wake up today..! anyway, today is d last day..! nvm le.. dun be late oso..! howecer, im 10minutes later den usual... who knws i get peggy call during d half way.. i tot every1 reach edi except me..! when i reach d office, i saw oni choy shin there... i tot she is leaving at 6am..? im d 2nd who reach there..! even frankie n those green shirt gals not yet reach although dey need 2be there at 6am..! after a while, lynn came.. all of us who need 2reach at 630am reach here earlier den those who need 2be here at 6am..! mayb every1 is too tired liao..! v r taking van 2genting..! me n lynn come down instead of waiting contestant at sri pentas..! me n lynn hav a long chat instead od sleeping.. it's quite special compare 2others day..! my stomach is so pain..! mayb is bcos eat too much of curry dis few days..! i sleep all d way going 2genting..!!! it's good 4me 2recharge my energy..!
today's food is more high class as v eat buffet at 1st world cafe..! it's ard 1030am when v reach genting n our activity start w eating breakfast..! d shooing start ard 12pm... today is more ma fan cos many things need 2be wear on d contestants but d weather here is cold so v dun feel unconfortable or at least v din sweat..! it's my 1st time being inside d snow world.. according 2frankie, it's minus 2 celcious..! i had nvr been in such a cold condition.. it's quite hard 2" shi ying" myself at 1st exp my contact lens but after dat everytings goes well..! after d 1st shooting, it's edi lunch hour..! again v went 2d cafe 2hav our lunch..! today i spend quite alots of time "gap zai" compare 2last 3days..! hehe..! =p it's edi 530pm after dey finish shooting d 2nd task n v r going 4 tea time..! after d last shooting, those contestants r allow 2play in d snow world... so do us..!! haha..! so fun le.. v take photo here n there..n oso wif d chips..! all of us even play slide..!! it's so fun.. at least it giv me a good memories 4doing dis job..!
v went back ard 930pm.. most of other crew stay at genting 4celebration... however, when on d way home, me, lynn, chin chuan n kit yee chat so much n din sleep at al although v r all tired.. chin chuan reach home at 3am on d 2nd day.. it's so scary..! juz imagine if i was not allow 2go home early on 2nd day.. how do i hav energy 2enjoy my penang trip..? v talk abt so many gossip working here... it's good as i can understand more abt d ppl in ourdoor ideas n d way dey work..! all 4 of us work 4d 1st time here.. n most prob is our last time working here..1 dunno yet.. dat's stil a grand final day.. if im free i'll work la.. oh ya.. bye bye to all d production & events crew here especially.... hehe.. =p v reach sri pentas at 1030pm.. however, v r waiting 4 a kid's parents 2fetch her..! me, lynn, chin chuan, choy shin, vic, mei cheng take oni a van back 2 outdoor ideas..! huh.. dat's how d chipsmoreland work end..! hmmm.. 4me.. today is d best day among all 4days..! i reach home ard 1130pm.. n sleep at once after taking bath..!

10th may 2006~~
im so lazy 2wake up today..! anyway, today is d last day..! nvm le.. dun be late oso..! howecer, im 10minutes later den usual... who knws i get peggy call during d half way.. i tot every1 reach edi except me..! when i reach d office, i saw oni choy shin there... i tot she is leaving at 6am..? im d 2nd who reach there..! even frankie n those green shirt gals not yet reach although dey need 2be there at 6am..! after a while, lynn came.. all of us who need 2reach at 630am reach here earlier den those who need 2be here at 6am..! mayb every1 is too tired liao..! v r taking van 2genting..! me n lynn come down instead of waiting contestant at sri pentas..! me n lynn hav a long chat instead od sleeping.. it's quite special compare 2others day..! my stomach is so pain..! mayb is bcos eat too much of curry dis few days..! i sleep all d way going 2genting..!!! it's good 4me 2recharge my energy..!
today's food is more high class as v eat buffet at 1st world cafe..! it's ard 1030am when v reach genting n our activity start w eating breakfast..! d shooing start ard 12pm... today is more ma fan cos many things need 2be wear on d contestants but d weather here is cold so v dun feel unconfortable or at least v din sweat..! it's my 1st time being inside d snow world.. according 2frankie, it's minus 2 celcious..! i had nvr been in such a cold condition.. it's quite hard 2" shi ying" myself at 1st exp my contact lens but after dat everytings goes well..! after d 1st shooting, it's edi lunch hour..! again v went 2d cafe 2hav our lunch..! today i spend quite alots of time "gap zai" compare 2last 3days..! hehe..! =p it's edi 530pm after dey finish shooting d 2nd task n v r going 4 tea time..! after d last shooting, those contestants r allow 2play in d snow world... so do us..!! haha..! so fun le.. v take photo here n there..n oso wif d chips..! all of us even play slide..!! it's so fun.. at least it giv me a good memories 4doing dis job..!
v went back ard 930pm.. most of other crew stay at genting 4celebration... however, when on d way home, me, lynn, chin chuan n kit yee chat so much n din sleep at al although v r all tired.. chin chuan reach home at 3am on d 2nd day.. it's so scary..! juz imagine if i was not allow 2go home early on 2nd day.. how do i hav energy 2enjoy my penang trip..? v talk abt so many gossip working here... it's good as i can understand more abt d ppl in ourdoor ideas n d way dey work..! all 4 of us work 4d 1st time here.. n most prob is our last time working here..1 dunno yet.. dat's stil a grand final day.. if im free i'll work la.. oh ya.. bye bye to all d production & events crew here especially.... hehe.. =p v reach sri pentas at 1030pm.. however, v r waiting 4 a kid's parents 2fetch her..! me, lynn, chin chuan, choy shin, vic, mei cheng take oni a van back 2 outdoor ideas..! huh.. dat's how d chipsmoreland work end..! hmmm.. 4me.. today is d best day among all 4days..! i reach home ard 1130pm.. n sleep at once after taking bath..!
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