7th may 2006~
Im d 1 who wake up earliest today..! wat time..? haha.. 9am..! bfr wake other frens up, I cleanup d steamboat stuff which v al 4fet 2clean up ytd..! wow..! fang yee doing clean up stuff..? it’s so unbelievable..! v start 2 prepare breakfast.. v got so many food left although v r going back today.. v put so many peanut butter on d bread..! dat’s oso steamboat as breakfast oso..! v spent most of d time eating in d mrng… v watch cartoon while eating.. wat’s a new experience 4me as I nvr watch cartoon wif frens together.. stil rmb it’s mr.bean cartoon n something lik power rangers..! v bz packing up our luggage.. dat’s stil lots of food left.. v “da bao” it in a bowl..! v dunno whether 1na go home now or go n meet sunita as khai ee is not free to fetch us n it’s hard 4us 2take so many luggage 2walk at perangin mall..! n now is ah san’s fren “chu ma” time.. her fren willing 2go perangin mall n v’ll put out luggage n her car while v r shopping at perangin mall..
After check out, v take bus 2perangin mall..! it took us almost 1 hour 2reach perangin mall fr batu ferringi..! it’s now edi 2pm liao.. san’s fren’s kelisa is full of luggage..! d 1st thing v do is check d bus ticket…d ticket 2kl at 4 n 5pm had finish.. so me n yean hav 2take 6pm bus… 4ipoh gals, at 1st dey take 4pm bus.. but den later.. dey feel dat it’s too earl 2go home.. all of us is so heavy 2leave each other.. haha..! dey change their bus ticket to 7pm.. v met sunita in mc Donald..! alex is joining us oso.! After dat, all of us went shopping..! me, siao yun, teng able 2buy a pair of shoe..! Kelly intro us 2eat a green tea ice cream.. it’s so tasty..! teng n siao yun bought a jeans skirt while I bought a tank top..! it’s so nice shopping in penang..! time pass by so fast, it’s time 4me n yean going 2bus station..! dat’s a van fetching us 2 sg nibung fr perangin mall.. reli feel heavy 2leave dem.. nvm.. c u all in next gathering..!
hey..finally you finish wrote for the whole 3 days la.. and post so many leng pic here..haha~
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