3rd-5th dec 06~~
3rd dec 06~~
Finally pre-NLDS has reached.. took myself a long time to pack for d 8days camp.. besides, v need to bring extra 2 costume for rainbow party n oso global village..! 8days le.. wonder i need to wash my clothes everyday or bring clothes n pants which enuf for 8 days..! at last, i hav a trolley bag , a hand carry luggage, n a bag w me..! im afraid dat im very kua cheong.. hope dat every1 oso bring as much thing as me..! haha..! after dim sum breakfast at sri petaling, my family straight away fetch me to UPM.. it’s my 1st time to k-6 plus im not very familiar w main campus’s hostel, v took a long time to find it..! most of d delegates r eating their breakfast there.! Met some fren dat i dunno dey r joining NLDS here..! V put our luggage to our room n go to d hall for ice breaking activity..!
V were separated into gp using animal n v need to find our member by doing the action of d animal..me n sze wen r in d frog gp..( i tot is “forth” when i was told my gp)… jacelyn is our faci.. she’s very helpful.. Nicholas was late to the camp n hence he was chosen as our gp leader..! v were asked to name our gp in a limited time.. v haven decide our gp name when time’s up.. when v were asked, v juz sed..”a while” hence it become our gp name for dis 3 days.. at least v r a bit better den some gp which name “ not yet decide”, n so on..! haha.! Met my roommate-sce yin during lunch time…
The following activity is more on introduce us to AIESEC.. now only i knw i dunno anything abt AIESEC at all.. v den hav a card games name casino royale. It’s fun as well..! after tea break, dat’s a briefing abt marketing after tea-break.. i found it very very useful for me.. after dat it’s a bargain for food games, every gp is setting criteria to exchange for material to bake cake.. besides having fun, v oso learn quite alot of things.. dat’s a marketing simulation games tml,v need to do appointment w company for d meeting tml.. at nite, v hav a preparation for the global village n oso do some roll call n our upm square dance…!
4th dec 06~~
In the mrng, Bfr everything start, v need to do our gp own roll call.. today’s most challenging activity is marketing simulation & OGX marketing.. i had learn a lot fr there.. juz hav a brief idea how marketing is going on..! after lunch, v do matching for d marketing simulation n OGX marketing.. my gp oni able to a SN n a TN..d matching is fun as well. v r using d “manual email” way.. it’s funny where d server’l hang sometimes n there r oso spam mails.!haha.. however, v had create history as no successful matching at all… the process is quite confusing but it’s fun as well..!
In the evening, there’s a station games.. v hav an exchange member—chun hon , pity hilmi was exchange to other gp.. my gp—LC 5 is very geng in guessing word n oso arranging alphabet.. at nite, dat’s 3,2,1 action where v need to prepare a sketch in 10 minutes time.. most of us is juz act spontaneously.. our gp was awarded as d best gp…! Thx to all d member..! after UPM roll call n square dance, it’s time for GV preparation..! d sea creature were asked to do our own properties.. me, siew way, n ain were acting as fish.! I feel very depress when doing d props bcos it dun look nice.. anyway.. can’t giv up juz lik dat le.. or else will trouble the whole team..! hence me n siew way plan to do it overnite although v r edi very tired..! all of us went back to room ard 130am.. me n siew way do d fish head until 2am something..! dat’s lot to be done but v dun hav d material.. need to finish it by tml.. do it once v r free! hehe..!
5th dec 06~~
Dat’s an environmental games dis mrng.. v r combined into 5 gps.. v need to create a product using recyclable things n think of proposal 2 sales d product.! LC 5 was combined w LC 10.. our product is hello motto which is a high tech mobile phone without using line but use solar energy..! juz feel dat y gp is alw very lucky..! our product d simplest among all but v get d 1st prize.. same as ytd nite as v din prepare well for 3,2,1 action but v get d 1st prize as well.. after lunch, dat’s a talk abt HIV.. v play a games where v need to transfer ppl using our hand.. after dat, dat’s a stomach games where every1 lie of other’s stomach n feel d laughing..!
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