genting trip
2nd-3rd july 07~~
~~dinner at pizza hut~~
my dad is nt free to fetch me to lrt station.. hence take a taxi to lrt station.. it had been a long time i nvr take a taxi... a year...? 2 year..? 4get edi... hehe.. summore im going to the station alone.. my mum is abit worry abt it.. so suprise to c beng and lem once i reach the station... dunno they r joining d trip as well..! choy shin mb a bit late.. 3 of us plan to wait for dem at terminal putra instead of waiting at tmn jaya lrt station... d journey to terminal putra is actually quite long.. while waiting 4 dem, v hav a drink in at a grocery shop.. here.. 4tourists approach us.. asking wat place v suggested for them to hv a trip in msia.. at 1st im quite afraid whether dey r liers.. dey seems lik fr china bt dey can speak english vy well.. summore dey r coming 4 meeting.. dey even ask for d ways to keep contact w us.. v jz left our email to dem.. a guy from dem left an email add ad a no for us as well.. while chatting.. choy shin dey al had arrived... the tourist help us to take gp photo.. i tot d opposite shud happen.. hehe.. .. my suspicious to dem nvr end til d end... duno.. mb it’s my fault.. bt.. reli too much of cheating cases happen.. it is better nt to trust strangers too much..!! is this become d new era relationship among human as v do not trust each other?
cable car service was closed due to renovation.. tot i can take cable car to genting.. act long time din take d genting cable car edi..! no choice.. v go genting by bus... when v reach the bus station at genting.. saw our nutri seniors r coming 4 trips as well.. bt seems lik dey r coming in couples w some other frens... y dis world is so small.. hehe..!! while waiting 4 buying d bus ticket for tml.. a taxi driver approach us...he din demotivated even v can’t be his client.. he even share w us some ghost story n funny stuff in genting..
although today is mon n it’s nt any public hol or sch hol.. genting r still crowded w ppl.. thx ley yee for the 2 roooms he sponsored..! too bad that he cant join us due to a meeting at awana..! v had waited 4 a long time to check in to 1st world hotel.. while waiting.. dey had come out an idea to watch transformer at nite.. although some of dem had watched it, bt dey stil willing to watch 4 2nd time... jz imagine d gd impression dat transformer movie brought to dem.! me, lynn, wen & rue go n buy tickets 4 d movie instead of waiting at d lobby... d queue is moving so slow there.. v r 2 hungry at dat time.. bough mash potato n corn to eat.. hehe.. get 2 knw dat d ticket com system is hang.. dat’s y d queue is so long n moving so slow... wow.. transformer tickets almost sold out.. v forced to take d 1st row in d cinema.. i nvr watch a movie sitting in d 1st row in d cinema..! alw gv up 2 watch d movie when dat’s no nice place available.!
v went back to hotel 4 a rest bfr starting our activity.. most of us edi feel hungry.. as usual.. v spent a long time deciding wat to be eaten for dinner.. at last v settle down at pizza hut for the cheesy crust..!! v decided to play some indoor games as reli ntg much 4 us to do there.. n d movie time is 1am... plan to go back room 4 a rest bfr come out for movie again... d idea of going into casino rise when v passed by a casino on d way back to hotel room.. however. Oni 3 of us... beng, me, n sze wen r “old” enuf to go in..! dis is d 1st time im going into a casino.. act ntg vy interesting inside.. v jz walk ard n c d way d ppl gamble there.. v dunno dat casino is divided into smoking non-smoking area.. stay at d smoking area 4 long time bfr v found out dat’s non-smoking area... when v r went out, others r waiting 4 us sitting at d side of escalator.. ahah.. so funny lar..lik children who r waiting their parents to come out fr casino.!
After taking a rest at room... v went out again 4 our movie.. when v r buying drinks at starbucks bfr d movie start. V saw a msia artist there... danny wen li ming..! he’s there w a gal..! nvr expect to meet an artist during a trip.!! It’s cool watching movie w d starbuck ice blended... bt. It’s too cold after an hour.!! Summore it’s midnight time.. feeling so sleepy when watching d movie.. opsss.. i think im d oni person who feel sleepy when watching transformer..! act d movie is nice.. bt mb im jz too tired n nt used to sit in at d 1st row when watching movie.! After d movie, v went mamak for a drinks n supper bfr going back to rest..! v took a long chat bfr falling asleep..!
V wake up vy late d nx mrng. Every1 having a “pillow talk” bfr v r willing to check out fr d hotel.! It’s edi 2pm when v left d hotel room.. again v took a long time to decide wat to eat as our lunch... finally v settle down at burger king... dis is d 2nd time i hv a meal in burger king in my life time..! our bus is at 530pm... taking d rest of d time to take photo here n there..nway.. is til haven get those photo til nw... lynn n shin.. when u 1na pass d phot to us..? ahaha..!! Choy shin will be leaving to US soon.. dis mb is d last trip w her bfr she is coming back to msia again.. =(.. btw.. dis is quite a memorable trip... d combination of ppl attending is new... went there w/o much planning.. act dis can be quite relaxing..!!! looking fwd to d nx trip... bt. .nt geting again pls..! ahaha!!
2nd-3rd july 07~~
my dad is nt free to fetch me to lrt station.. hence take a taxi to lrt station.. it had been a long time i nvr take a taxi... a year...? 2 year..? 4get edi... hehe.. summore im going to the station alone.. my mum is abit worry abt it.. so suprise to c beng and lem once i reach the station... dunno they r joining d trip as well..! choy shin mb a bit late.. 3 of us plan to wait for dem at terminal putra instead of waiting at tmn jaya lrt station... d journey to terminal putra is actually quite long.. while waiting 4 dem, v hav a drink in at a grocery shop.. here.. 4tourists approach us.. asking wat place v suggested for them to hv a trip in msia.. at 1st im quite afraid whether dey r liers.. dey seems lik fr china bt dey can speak english vy well.. summore dey r coming 4 meeting.. dey even ask for d ways to keep contact w us.. v jz left our email to dem.. a guy from dem left an email add ad a no for us as well.. while chatting.. choy shin dey al had arrived... the tourist help us to take gp photo.. i tot d opposite shud happen.. hehe.. .. my suspicious to dem nvr end til d end... duno.. mb it’s my fault.. bt.. reli too much of cheating cases happen.. it is better nt to trust strangers too much..!! is this become d new era relationship among human as v do not trust each other?
cable car service was closed due to renovation.. tot i can take cable car to genting.. act long time din take d genting cable car edi..! no choice.. v go genting by bus... when v reach the bus station at genting.. saw our nutri seniors r coming 4 trips as well.. bt seems lik dey r coming in couples w some other frens... y dis world is so small.. hehe..!! while waiting 4 buying d bus ticket for tml.. a taxi driver approach us...he din demotivated even v can’t be his client.. he even share w us some ghost story n funny stuff in genting..
although today is mon n it’s nt any public hol or sch hol.. genting r still crowded w ppl.. thx ley yee for the 2 roooms he sponsored..! too bad that he cant join us due to a meeting at awana..! v had waited 4 a long time to check in to 1st world hotel.. while waiting.. dey had come out an idea to watch transformer at nite.. although some of dem had watched it, bt dey stil willing to watch 4 2nd time... jz imagine d gd impression dat transformer movie brought to dem.! me, lynn, wen & rue go n buy tickets 4 d movie instead of waiting at d lobby... d queue is moving so slow there.. v r 2 hungry at dat time.. bough mash potato n corn to eat.. hehe.. get 2 knw dat d ticket com system is hang.. dat’s y d queue is so long n moving so slow... wow.. transformer tickets almost sold out.. v forced to take d 1st row in d cinema.. i nvr watch a movie sitting in d 1st row in d cinema..! alw gv up 2 watch d movie when dat’s no nice place available.!
v went back to hotel 4 a rest bfr starting our activity.. most of us edi feel hungry.. as usual.. v spent a long time deciding wat to be eaten for dinner.. at last v settle down at pizza hut for the cheesy crust..!! v decided to play some indoor games as reli ntg much 4 us to do there.. n d movie time is 1am... plan to go back room 4 a rest bfr come out for movie again... d idea of going into casino rise when v passed by a casino on d way back to hotel room.. however. Oni 3 of us... beng, me, n sze wen r “old” enuf to go in..! dis is d 1st time im going into a casino.. act ntg vy interesting inside.. v jz walk ard n c d way d ppl gamble there.. v dunno dat casino is divided into smoking non-smoking area.. stay at d smoking area 4 long time bfr v found out dat’s non-smoking area... when v r went out, others r waiting 4 us sitting at d side of escalator.. ahah.. so funny lar..lik children who r waiting their parents to come out fr casino.!
After taking a rest at room... v went out again 4 our movie.. when v r buying drinks at starbucks bfr d movie start. V saw a msia artist there... danny wen li ming..! he’s there w a gal..! nvr expect to meet an artist during a trip.!! It’s cool watching movie w d starbuck ice blended... bt. It’s too cold after an hour.!! Summore it’s midnight time.. feeling so sleepy when watching d movie.. opsss.. i think im d oni person who feel sleepy when watching transformer..! act d movie is nice.. bt mb im jz too tired n nt used to sit in at d 1st row when watching movie.! After d movie, v went mamak for a drinks n supper bfr going back to rest..! v took a long chat bfr falling asleep..!
V wake up vy late d nx mrng. Every1 having a “pillow talk” bfr v r willing to check out fr d hotel.! It’s edi 2pm when v left d hotel room.. again v took a long time to decide wat to eat as our lunch... finally v settle down at burger king... dis is d 2nd time i hv a meal in burger king in my life time..! our bus is at 530pm... taking d rest of d time to take photo here n there..nway.. is til haven get those photo til nw... lynn n shin.. when u 1na pass d phot to us..? ahaha..!! Choy shin will be leaving to US soon.. dis mb is d last trip w her bfr she is coming back to msia again.. =(.. btw.. dis is quite a memorable trip... d combination of ppl attending is new... went there w/o much planning.. act dis can be quite relaxing..!!! looking fwd to d nx trip... bt. .nt geting again pls..! ahaha!!
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