5th oct 07~~

~~a small mooncake festival celebration with my coursemate..~~
~~ since exam is jz over, this is a simple celebration at tennis court where every1 bring the mooncake that dey brought fr hometown..!~~
~~my houesemate..!! too bad.. edna is nt here..!!~~
29-30th sept 07~~
~~wah.. so many vita-C..? no choice.. dis is d 1st tm ur driver drive such a long journey~~
~~she fu-19 who r back to tapah in d 2nd training class~~
~~the end of tuition class... waiting 4 d wedding dinner at d field in d primary sch~~
~~dey jz treat us too nice.. hey ppl.. i believe u al can finish d dish later rite..? haha...~~
~~so proud... v r treated lik VIP...dis table is allocated to us.!!! ~~
~~wow.. i duno wei liang is so gd in singing bfr dis... d "lam ga dong" in she fu-19... his "zhuan shu tian shi" mz be vy touching if she heard dis.... hahahaaa... ~~
~~dis is d desert of d day... v r vy full nw...!! ~~
~~d"pei xun ban 2" commiteee~~
~~thx 4 coming today..h ope u guys enjoy & learn something fr dis pei xun ban~~
~~so awake nw..? after d aerobic session bfr d pei xun ban start~~
This is my 1st tm going bk to tapah after the activity on May.. we r nt oni going bk for activities this tm.. there is an important event for us to attend..! a wedding dinner for wei liang and yin xiu's family..! 1st time driving for such a long distance, it's a nice experience although there r incident happened where fatt shyen and ji ming's car was blocked by police..im doing the same mistake bt fortunately the police does nt realise it as im driving in between both of the cars.! we went bidor to buy some souvenir bfr going bk..!!
Once we reached, we hd lunch at wei liang and yin xiu's house bfr tuition class started.! although nt ppl attending, bt hopefully dey learn sth fr it..!! nx, is the wedding dinner..!! d food is tasty..!! wei liang, represent all of us and sang on the stage..!! nvr knw he's so geng in singing..!! When bk to ji su house, so lucky dat v hv tm to chat w auntie..!!
The next day s "qing pei" class.. nt much ppl attending due to many of them having tuition class.. nvm..!! as long as the ppl attending learn sth and enjoy the session..!! =) This is a nice trip bk to tapah.. for me.. at least there is sth new..!! we went dinner together bfr going bk to hostel..!! my 1st tm trying "bo cai ban mian".!! it's delicious..!! =p
~~they seems bz-no time for photo session..!~~
~~it's refreshing having watermelon after hot steamboat..!~~
~~we really look alike..? ~~
~~all these guys wearing specs..!~~
~~tot it was oni me, soon kit, sze wen, and rue-hann..? ~~
Finally, the "qing gong yan" for vitamin-cement was held at Hai Tang.. unfortunately, not all the committee are able to attend this..! However, this is my 1st time here..! the food here is quite delicious but it's slightly too hot here..! Every1 is not willing to go bk after the dinner, we went mamak again... geng..! Well, afer this dinner, vitamin-cement is reli come to the end..!! reli nice to meet this gp of new frens..!! looking fwd to nx outing w u all..!! =)
~~ppl in black..? hahahaa... photo w raymond & daniel who r d committee member~~
~~d event ended successfully~~
p/s- at 1st 1 2 try k-10 food bt d canteen is in renovation..! went "bao long" 4 dinner bfr d event started.. saw so many frens here... seems fun staying out of campus..! bt stil 1na stay at k17 until d end of 3rd year... it's alots easier cos d fac is jz beside d hostel.. reli hope dat d merit will fall fr d sky larrr... hahaha..!
1st day
~~no idea wat is dis 4? mb it's a symbol of luck & feng shui?~~
~~the famous malacca chicken rice...!!~~
~~windmill at malacca.. it's d 9 of us in dis trip.. 4 me.. it's wat a weird combination~~
~~ met she fu-18 shi xiong here~~
~~at d cendol stall.. dis cendol is nt tasty as wat i imagine malacca cendol to be~~
~~the fountain in front the red house~~
~~3 brave gals fighting 4 a famosa? hehe.~~
~~boys & gals.. ready to fight?~~
~~does he gv u a familiar look? haha... v'l nvr 4got d "patriotic" things dat v do here.!!~~
~~i'l nvr dare to do dis in kl~~
~~rue.. thx again 4 making dis clips... it make me smile whenever i watch it...~~
wat a weird combination of 9 of us who came dis trip..!! nvr 4get d killer games dat v play the whole nite and even at d nyonya restaurant..!! and also d most patriotic things i did in my life..! ppl.. thx 4 al d memorable moment..! act i had vy gd moment in malacca... every of my visit here lately is something i'l rmb it in throughout my life-last trip was d visit w my f5 frens... so malacca is a nice place to visit? yeah.. providing if u hv gd tour guide w u..! haha..!