k-10 pesta tanglung
11st sept 07~~
~~d t-shirt is looks vy nice when al of us wearing it... bought it during d firworks competition~~
~~fAnG yEe, pEy pEy, sOoN kIt, bRaNdOn, rUe-HaNn~~
11st sept 07~~
~~ppl in black..? hahahaa... photo w raymond & daniel who r d committee member~~
~~d event ended successfully~~
p/s- at 1st 1 2 try k-10 food bt d canteen is in renovation..! went "bao long" 4 dinner bfr d event started.. saw so many frens here... seems fun staying out of campus..! bt stil 1na stay at k17 until d end of 3rd year... it's alots easier cos d fac is jz beside d hostel.. reli hope dat d merit will fall fr d sky larrr... hahaha..!
heya, merit didn't fall from the sky. There is still HOPE for staying in hostel. Although MTM is going to cut it down, but even the worst case, if they cut it by half, you still have half a hundred on hand la.. plus your other merit should cukup makan ady.
C u more! you never blog!
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