26th august 07~~
~~the committee team...nutrition & civil 2nd year~~
~~final year of nutrition students~~
~~ppl who make dis events a success~~
~~kings & queens of year 2006 & 2007~~
~~performance by civil's 1st year~~
~~wonderful opening ceremony~~
~~welcoming d final year students~~
~~photo taken w mr.wong..PIC of bukit jalil golf club~~
~~so desperate 4 a dimple? hahaa~~
~~nw u can c hw big is d background~~
~~sze wen, yao hong, fAnG yEe~~
~~wen feng-d protocol leader fr civil.. finally v did our task..yeah~~
~~guang da-d guys who responsible on PA system fr civil~~
~~ finally dis crown is w me.. haha...~~
~~members of buddhist society community service department~~
~~faster take photo for us.. or else more n more ppl will be joining.. hehe~~
~~is d event run smoothly n on time..? thx 2 dis gp of ppl..! hahaha~~
~~dis guy looks lik you jie rite?~~
~~a photo w jia hao.. does he looks lik a japanese?~~
~~pey pey, zhen yi, & fAnG yEe~~
~~pey pey-d queen of year 06.. my housemate for 2 years~~
~~nutrition alumni invited..~~
~~tien fong, vicky, & fAnG yEe...~~
~~peace.. mun fei-d vice chair person fr civil~~
~~she fu-19 wun lost in taking photo..! c.. our symbol.. haha~~
~~photo w soon kit-jz found out dat he looks lik jj.. no no no... he looks more lik lee zheng fa-d astro talent quest 07 champion~~
~~d cartoon on dis shirt is cute.. a guy who dress in korean style-yao hong...
~~wee chen.. lik his dimple vy much..=p ~~
~~me & xui li.. my direct senior.. v lik dress w pattern .. hehe...~~
~~suong yi & i... she has a vy pretty eye~~
~~shieng ping, me, suong yii, lay siang~~
~~shawn who rush here fr a camp.. nw he hd become our YB.. haha~~
~~guys who can sing vy well-yong khai~~
~~our course's snow white-siao yun.. v changed fr neighbour to housemate dis year... haha~~
~~ souvenier taken fr registration~~
~~su wei-my team member as well as my housemate dis year~~
~~janice-a gal who expert in dancing~~
~~d pretty gal in nutrition-ling hui.. she looks lik a mix~~
~~mei ying-d gal who is expert in chinese mucic oriental~~
~~wennie, fAnG yEe, siao yun, lay siang, mei ying-waiting 4 d events to start~~
~~camera man...dis is 4 u... haha~~
~~since when im so pro...? find me to make up 4 u if u dare to try.. siao yun.. u reli trust me vy much oh~~
~~dis is hw my hairstyle was~~
yo... Coursenight once more!!!
hahahah.. really lo. it builds a strong bond between us. the process is hard but fun. and the outcome is more better than expected!
u noe, go to jog at klcc park in 530am with shopping attire is just so crazy but enjoying!
ei, when u wanna hang out o.
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