30st august 07~~
~~going to KLCC after yumcha at taman connaught.. stop by at mandarin hotel.. v r going back to serdang 4 dim sum later - where our melaka trip was on... crazy..!!~~
~~guess where r v..? in the washroom of mandarin oriental hotel..!!~~
~~swimming pool in mandarin oreintal hotel~~
~~pey pey, tienn fong & i.. stil waiting 4 d traffic jam to end... it was 230am when v left PICC~~
~~night view of putrajaya~~
~~tien fong & i~~
~~nutri gals at PICC~~
~~pey pey & i~~

~~PICC... dis place is jz too beautiful~~
~~get to knw who's our tourguide? d 1 holding d msia flag larrrr.. ahaha...~~
~~sitting on d floor in a circle 4 sharing session..? haha... v r waiting 4 d crowd to leave ~~
~~8 handsome guys sitting in a row..~~
~~the playful ppl came fr UPM~~
~~ japan performed d fireworks in lot's of pattern.. d 1 i rmb d most is d star and love shape that pop up~~
30st august 07~~
~~PICC... dis place is jz too beautiful~~
~~ the galsss...~~
~~dis clips is done by rue-hann.. thx ohhh.... so touching n happy when i saw dis clip...stil rmb she sent dis to my room when im studying 4 test... d dull feeling of studying was cheered up by dis clip~~
p/s-- it had been a long time i nvr did such a crazy things w frens..! thx ya.. 4 al of u all who create dis memories w me..! hope dat there r lots of outing in the future n i can't wait to do more crazy stuff w u guys again..!!!
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