13-15th july 07~~
Dis week is she fu “chuan cheng” camp which is mainly for d committee to pass their job to us n letting us run she fu-19 ourselves.. it’s also d last camp organised by d “shi xiong” 4 us... v went there by bus fr serdang.. d journey took ard 1 a half hour.. it’s no air-cond in d bus.. terrible..! i nvr knw dat’s a place for bodhi singing workshop at a petaling street..!! although d place is small, bt it’s decorated vy nicely.. dat’s a big “tian tai” 4 us to hv our meals there ...v r given each person 2 minutes to present on wat u r going to do 4 she fu in ur future.. dis is quite a tough session 4 me bcos 4 me.. wat’s u sed will be a promise from u to she fu... jz tink dat im nt a person who dun lik to promise on something.. it’s vy bad when u hd promise stg bt can’t do it at d end..! v r oso given time to knw our strength n weakness fr other she fu members.. as v hd overcome everything a year together.. v mz hd known each other quite well.. 4me.. weird thing is wat i c myself as weakness is seen by others as strength... confused..! dat’s a slot where v r given to watch d slide show fr wat v did since last year until nw.. it’s quite touching as i saw i hd passed my last year’s time w she fu activity...can’t denied dat she fu had left lots of memory in my uni life..! on d vy last day, v were given time to go out for our lunch..!! dis nvr happen in any of our she fu training camp..! after all, v take ktm back to serdang..thx mei ping’s bro 4 fetching us back to hostel fr ktm serdang..! lik other she fu training camp, dis chuan cheng camp did leave a memory dat i’l nt 4get in my life..!
metta gathering 07
19th july 07~~
~~pity gals~~
~~bday celebration at mamak~~
~~pei qian, fAnG yEe, pei luan, & you shyen~~
After a week of preparation for d “shou yu”.. today is d time for our performance.. act vy looking fwd to metta gathering bcos last year’s metta gathering had link me to PBUPM.. i hope dis events will be success to attact more new students to get into PBUPM.. attending metta gathering last year is d main reason im joining “she fu” nw.. jz can imagine hw it change my uni life..!
Our performance is d last in d whole events.. dunno y.. dis year’s metta gathering din giv me d feeling of my pass metta gathering.. jz feel dat d whole situation is quite boring... mb is due to im a audience last year while im performing dis year... d dif role played may affect my feeling to d whole events.. who knws.. bt..is due to lots of changes is made in dis years metta gathering which affect d condition... although dat’s a little things gone wrong durig our performance.. stil feel vy happy dat i can participate in metta gathering.. at least helping to promote she fu as well as pbupm to d new students who stil hv no idea to their uni life..!
Went for a yam cha session at d mamak behind k-10 after d events.. d whole mamak was dominated by pbupm members.. she fu-18, she fu-19, as well as “lu yuan” choir..it’s edi 1am when v r going back to hostel.. planning to slip in fr d hospital serdang brigdge which links to my faculty bt d door is locked..! v were trapped on d bridge at 1am..!! horrible... luckily jun yi helps us to open d door.. a vy big thank you to him and jian xian cos walking so far away jz to open d door 4 us.. v went back our hostel carefully so dat v did nt awake d guard..!! huh.. no more slipping in fr d hospital serdang bridge for me anymore.. it’s quite a terrible experience... although i had successfully pass through it last time wif ming da n hong wei fr d yam cha session after pap practise..!
metta camp
20-22th july o7~~
Metta camp come vy fast after metta gathering...as wat i hd promised myself.. i 1na be a committee in metta camp, n nw i hd did it.. joining d secretary gp under yu jun is wat i hd nt expected... y im joning d committee member.. act last year’s metta camp given a vy gd memory to me..! A few of us went to d “jin lon shan wan fo shi” a day bfr to do preparation.. me, guo hao, sze wen, tien fong, n yu jun went there in a car..! guo hao is driving yu jun’s car..! most of other committee reach at nite..
Metta camp dis years is vy vy dif fr last years in terms of members... rmb d member who joined last years was over d no of ppl dat dey r estimated.. 4 dis years.. d committee member is more den d no of campers..! wat’s a weird camp..! act dis is due to lots of factors... yin zi is having camp d same time wif us.. same as d “gua gua” camp by Chinese society. Many of d students r going back to hometown to settle their ptptn documents dis week.. act it’s a little it disappointed for me bcos of d number of ppl... bt stil feel vy glad dat im given dis opportunity to be d committee..reli 1 2 contribute back cos metta had gv me a vy gd memory in my uni life.!
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