^fr frenster blog^
nsq 05
the theme of nsq camp 05 is "xuan"..well..v can hav quite alots thoughts abt dis theme..almost 300 ppl joining it..feel very tired now but muz squeeze out all my memories abt dis camp bfr singapore trip tml...! wow..it's such a bz holidays but i enjoy it very much!..=p.. let's start from d d day day of d nsq camp started..!
8th dec ~~
v went UM a day earlier bfr d camp...well...lynn,shin,wen, n brenda went 4 NARNIA bfr d camp...im not interested wif dis movie so went alone by myself...im welcomed by fei wen n followed by a gp of committee which is very funny n was ask 2take a photo wif a campmate which reach there d same time as me..! it had been 10pm when i reach there...the other campmates who reach earlier den me were learning some dancing steps..! after a few hours later...v r allow 2back 2 d hostel..well...hostel in UM is almost same wif those in UUM which i went 4NS training..which is quite dirty..! dis world is reli small...i met siao yun's classmate which is same room wif brenda n jun lynn...reli glad 2knw 3 of my roommates at dat nite..v take a long chat bfr fall into sleep..! i din sleep well at dat nite maybe bcos of sleep 2much in d early mrng..!!
9th dec~~
v started our day by doing exercises..! finally i met yean there..it had been almost half a year i nvr meet her..! v r den asked 2join our own teammates..! i m in gp 7 which is "ruan yu tang"..! as usual, d 1st activity is ice breaking...v r ask 2introduce ourself...i did a quite silly mistake den...reli paiseh..!! our team command is..."ruam yu tang...zui fa guang..zui piao liang..zui mei li..ruan yu"..!d games started as soon as d opening ceremony...it was reli touching when guang rong (a committee) told us dat v r d most unite team..! 1 games is followed by another n all of us feel very tired..at nite..dat's a talk by "wang de zhi"..(i guess so) ..many of us take d advantage 2 sleep 4 a while in d hall..!v r distribute 2 d different hostel room as d 1st nite..as wat i sed juz now..dis world is reli small..i same room wif a gal whose elder sis is same gp wif me last year in nsq camp 04..!other den dat..dat's a groupmate of mine reli look like wun jun.. well..after a chat wif him...i find out dat he met wun jun b4..!!! although today is very tiring, i stil can't sleep well at dat nitez...
10th dec~~
luckily i can wake up on time today..! well..today's activities r expected 2be more tiring...n..it does..! however, i lik 1st day's games more.. ning he n wei hao suffering muscle pain but dey stil joining us in every activities..at least..run here n there wif us.. moon was hurt during games..i reli feel painful 4her...dat's wat i think im not able 2be a doctor..!let's juz skip d shang hai beauty pagent n d campfire...all of us reli enjoy ourself n bcome crazy during d campfire...shud i call it campfire..? cos it's organise in d hall...well..it makes me looking fwd to d clubbing plan which shud be on next saturday..! after d campfire..d committee r sharing some touching stories with us which makes me cry..! oppss..! luckily im not d oni 1 dat's crying..! ahaha..! actually im planning not 2sleep tonite...after photo snapping wif frens, v take a bath n play games by ourself at basketball court..! bcos of need 2snap alots of photo tml..i decided 2sleep 2hours (5am) bfr d last days of activities started..!
11st dec~~
it came d last day of our camp..! d oni games 2day can say as a "title chosing" games...most handsome..thinnest..most muscular..fattest...longest leg hair...best future "aqua"..most competible couple...most ugly.. title r selected..! it was a great games where i think all of us enjoy it very much..! after closing ceremony, v take d time bfr going back 2 home 2 snap photo wif as many ppl as v can..even wif those dat v had not chat bfr during d camp.. well...4 me n lynn...our "shou huo" is not as gd as last year..! haizzz..! once after cleaning my dirty shirt dis few days, i c d photo v snapped dis few days...met yean on9 n sent her some photo n hav a long chat wif her abt dis camp..!!!! reli 1 2thx my gp assistant gp leader...can kheng bcos she take care every1 of our groupmates very well in dis 3days...! 2 al my new frens in 05 xuan...it's my pleasure 2get 2knw u al..! keep in touch ya..! =)
hi welcome u r the camper of o5 xuan
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