19th may 06~~
I wake up ard 815am.. after packing d luggage, v went for breakfast… no1 knw d exact time 4 our ship n bus cos ley yee n his roommates were stil sleeping yet.. when almost 9am, ley yee dey al wake up liao.. v r told dat our bus is 10am at jetty.. at once v al take d luggage n ready 2leave perhentian… opss.. I haven take photo wif li xia in perhentian.. anyway.. I unable 2call her..! when v reach jetty, it’s edi 1018am… omg.. juz hope dat d worst thing did not happen.. v feel so release when ppl there tell us dat d bus is coming fr terengganu’s bus station..! luckily d 10am is 4 those who take bus in terengganu’s bus station n not those who r at jetty.. if v miss dis bus, denv hav to wait until tonite 8pm bus.! Huh.. scary.. dis is a lesson 4us not 2be late…!
It’s a 3 sit bus..! yeah..! hehe..! in d bus, renda let me listen 2 “stress” version of “our story”..I got dis version in my camera oso but miss d last part where dao sing cos not enuf memory.. gekk..! I think every1 sleep so well in d bus.. dis bus is more comfortable plus all of us is so tired..! at lunch stop, it’s again malay style of sotong, chicken.. reli sien of spicy food n sotong liao..! anyway, me,wen,
It’s ard 630pm when v reach kl.. v decided 2eat kc at he mall bfr v go home..! stl rmb d last time I was here is wif yean after cny visit at charlene’s house.. wow.. it’s edi 1 n a half year ago.. here.. I knw dat d nus tuition fee after tuition grant is much more cheaper den wat I think… huh.. again.. I need 2make a change to my decision liao..! nus..? local uni..? dis is my own future.. muz think carefully..nus is world top 22nd uni.. local uni.. hmm.. anyway.. if I go nus, most prob il stay there 4 d rest in my life but I dun lik
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