health screening project..!
~~ crazy gals..~~
19th july 06~~
im not going home dis week..! dat's a health screening project organized by 3rd year senior today n there's 2 exam tml, which is kenegaraan n hubunga etnik..!! in the early mrng, v take a special bus to the hall at kolej canselor.. act today is the opening of dis project, hence dat's many speeches fr those high pose ppl such as the headmaster and.... most of us bring along our kenegaraan n etnik book to read..! after al the speeches, it's tea break..! d events continue by a small seminar abt nutrition in eating by one of our lecturer.. after dat, all of us waiting bus to go back to hostel.. however, d bus is juz pass by bfr d lecturer giving her conclusion.. v spent another one hour to wait for the bus..! gek..!! while v r waiting, v do our own health screening.. it's quite interesting..!!of cos, b spent the whole saturday to readour kenegaraan n hbg etnik... it's so suffering as there's no tv for me to watch when im sien of studying.!!!

19th july 06~~
im not going home dis week..! dat's a health screening project organized by 3rd year senior today n there's 2 exam tml, which is kenegaraan n hubunga etnik..!! in the early mrng, v take a special bus to the hall at kolej canselor.. act today is the opening of dis project, hence dat's many speeches fr those high pose ppl such as the headmaster and.... most of us bring along our kenegaraan n etnik book to read..! after al the speeches, it's tea break..! d events continue by a small seminar abt nutrition in eating by one of our lecturer.. after dat, all of us waiting bus to go back to hostel.. however, d bus is juz pass by bfr d lecturer giving her conclusion.. v spent another one hour to wait for the bus..! gek..!! while v r waiting, v do our own health screening.. it's quite interesting..!!of cos, b spent the whole saturday to readour kenegaraan n hbg etnik... it's so suffering as there's no tv for me to watch when im sien of studying.!!!
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