Day 1...

29th july 06~~
Im not going home dis week bcos of metta camp… again it’s organized by Buddhist club.. v r going to “dong chan shi” to hav our 2days camp.. our kolej is d last stop of d bus… so many of us dun hav enuf place to sit..! 3 of us hav to sit a 2person’s seat.. nvm la.. since dey organize so many activity for us on d way to “dong chan shi”.. act i’s quite un when meeting new ppl in d bus.. i can heard variour courses other den medic, bio-med, dietetic , nutirion n kpp… v r asked to put our luggage at d place v sleep bfr going for 1st activity which is teaching us the “li yi” of Buddhist.. for example, d step v need to do when v go in d temple, how to “bai fo”, how to eat in a temple… it’s lunch time after dat.. i had nvr so concentrate when eating my meal.. nobody r allowed to talk during eating..! dat’s an games after lunch.. v r devided into gps by a special ways : v write our name in a balloon, throw d balloon to the middle, d gp leader break a balloon n d name written is in d gp.. d gp member den choose another balloon and followed by each member chose… my gp is called “fu lou na” gp.. dis famous ppl in Buddha is a person who is 1st place in “shuo fa”..
After dis, v hav a seminar.. reli kenot tahan le.. so sleepy but stil need to pretends coz v r sitting at d 1st row..! at d seminer, it’s time for singing theme song… and then, games startd.. my gp won all of the 5 battle.. yeah..! bfr taking bath, it’s time for dinner.. when im chatting with yin chao, 1 of mygp member, den on ii realize i may c him bfr in f4.. he’s a scout who had went chs’s scout gathering.. stil rmb dat nite me,
Day 2...

30th july 06~~
V r asked to gather at 530am to “zuo chan”.. dis is d 1st time i heard of such thing… act it’s quite meaningful but 530am is juz too early for me..! i fall asleep during “zuo chan”.. reli paiseh le.. v r taught “xi shua shua” dance bfr breakfast.. however, d step look familiar w wat i learn in nsq camp… ( i saw dat’s some1 showing nsq camp photo afterwards.. ) after breakfast, v r going to another seminar.. im stil suffering flu plus now dat’s abit of fever.. oh no..! at noon, dat’s another seminar.. act dis seminar is quite interesting but again im too tired to listen to it.. after dat, v r introduced to every small unit in Buddhist club.. here, im quite surprising dat clemes is d leader of d Buddhist song choir gp..! i plan to join d community service gp… it’s alw my aim to join such club after listen to hwee gin, jian cai, n eng hou’s experience..! v r distribute to clean each part of the temple..! after dinner, d bus had came but v r given half an hour to take photo around.. i very very tired liao..!! later still need to rush for bio-chem report which need to be hand up tml..! omg..! anyway.. i can’t tahan liao.. after eating medicine, i fall asleep.. rush report tml la..!i reli enjoy dis 2day althougt dat’s many seminar.. however, it make me realize dat i dunno much abt buddha “ li yi”.. to my “ fu lou na” gp mate, nice to meet u al n keep in touch ya..! last but not least.. thx clemens n lay siang for all the photos..!! =)
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