^NLDS 06^

6th-10th dec 06~~
6th dec 06~~
V reached penang ard 7am. Luckily im awake when v passed by penang bridge. Dis is my 1st time passed by dis bridge in such an early mrng. The view is very nice! D building in USM is very nice.. After registration, v were brought to our own room.. omg..!! v need to walk up hill by carrying all our luggage.. v r living in saujana.. since it’s oso a new hostel, it’s very nice as well.. can compare w UPM k-17.. haha..! v r given some time to prepare ourselves bfr v met again at d café.. anyway.. my gp was a bit late so v need to run to d café bcos d bus is almost leaving.. luckily v r on time or else v need to walk to d activity hall.. UPM was d latest uni that enter d hall.. although al lights has been off, i can feel dat d hall is full w ppl bcos of al d cheers n roll call fr every uni.. v r warmly welcomed by the faci.. bfr lunch, there’s a brief introduction abt AIESEC.. v r oso separated into 12 gps base on month on birth n work on d knowledge abt AIESEC.. dis is d 1st time i get the chance to meet w other uni students.. dat’s a UUM girls which i chat d most w n a UTM gal (siew wai) who is same bday w me as well as she went 05-xuan too..!
During presentation, my gp sit at the frnt row.. it’s such a torture for me since im very very sleepy..! v were told dat v need to register for the professional development..v can choose oni 4 classes da v want to go.. erm.. something lik course registration.. at nite, all of us need to change to formal clothes for opening ceremony.. v r brought to a hall out of USM.. many table were set there.. huh.. now oni i knw v r going to eat our dinner here.. some more is buffet style..! the food is very delicious..(after per-NLDS food, it’s consider d best food in the world), anyway.. i oso nvr expect dat’s such food during any camp.. there r oso singing performance.. every LC r dancing their square dance on d stage by turns.. every1 is so SS yam sing here n there..! UUM some more got wedding dinner..! every1 is reli enjoying the nite..d oni word i can describe is—fun..! dat’s a small LC UPM meeting bfr every1 going back to room.. d time is almost 1am when reach our room.. after taking bath n settle everything.. it’s ard 2am when v fall asleep..oh ya.. 4get to ontro my roommate for NLDS.. a economics gal-pei ling..!!
7th dec 06~~
V were asked to meet at café at 650am.. during opening plenary, every LC will do their roll call by turns.. dat’s a corporate event where a company that hav partnership w AIESEC came for giving a talk.. after dat, dat’s a personality test.. omg.. i change fr sanguine to half phlegmatic n half melancholy person.. how come..? haha..! dis show dat every1 is keep on changing..! it’s professional development after lunch.. im suppose to go for team building but since dat’s an announcement at the last minute dat each class is open to 5 more ppl which is 45 ppl per class.. hence i decided to go for self confident classes by alan which i m not able to register bcos d places was full..! v chose alan as our role model for our presentation.. during connection time, i was joining d sex education gp.. feel very impressed dat d uni students hav such strong point of view..!
in the evening, dat’s a telematch.. dey mix student fr every uni in a gp.. however, dat’s not much time for us to chat w each other.. after dinner, dat’s suppose to be another session of professional development where im going to presentation skill but it’s was cancelled.. feel dat it’s such a waste as i lost an opportunity to learn more abt presentation skills.. besides, d rainbow party tonite was cancelled as well..! it’s on d reason dat every1 is too tired n take the time to rest more for next 3 days activity.. anyway.. those who 1 2 stay for dancing is allowed.. dat’s not much ppl staying as every1 is tired n need some rest.. anyway.. i juz feel dat since i was here, y not joined al d activity? After d dancing which is ard 1130pm, v walked back to d hostel.. dis took us abt half an hour..!
8th dec 06~~
It came to the 3rd day of NLDS.. every1 is wearing their own LC t-shirt bcos of dat’s a photo taking session today.. as usual every1 is enjoying square dances during break time.. im going to conflict management class by sapu today.. act d class is not much abt conlict management but more on connection time..! v oso play a game which is something lik bargain for food..! after lunch, it’s time for the debate teams.. it rains when came to photo taking session n hence d gp photo will be taken tml.. during connection time, alan was asked to open a gp w d title kamar sutra.. i wonder wat’s is kamar sutra as most of d guy r so exited n keep on calling alan as si fu..! alan n abi r so funny on sharing w us..! v wun 4get alan’s sharing alw started w “fr my reading…” it came to d most useful n important session.—leadership..anyway.. i juz find myself can’t enjoy to d whole session.. mayb is bcos of d way dey present? Mayb it’s in d big hall n dat’s too many ppl.? Mayb im too tired? Juz find myself gain nothing fr dis session.. wat a waste as it’s abt leadership which is d theme of dis seminar..!
during night stalk, v r given d chance to become detective. V were asked to go into our telematch gp.. v r given a criminal scene n v need to find clue ard ( which is acting by d character live) n guess who is d real killer..! it suppose to be fun but d time given is too short..! inally my gp answer was correct but v wrote d wrong answ in d paper.. nvm la.. haha.. as long as v enjoy participation..! hehe..! again v r walking back to hostel..!! tired le..! global village is juz on tml.. v r given a briefing bfr going back to room..!! i found dat i had lost my watch.! Most probably drop it during night stalk or on d way walking back.. sad.!! Act it’s my sis’s watch but i used it for quite a long time edi. Sigh………….
9th dec 06~~
V were asked to meet at 630am in d mrng at café.. d time of meeting bcome earlier n earlier.. im going to alicia’s class on personal branding today..! im quite looking fwd to dis class as most of dem said dey had learn alots fr it..! v r put into 3 gp where every1 need to describe d
LC UPM is d 3rd to performed during global village.. not very sure abt how’s our performance but so far v had try our best.. anyway.. v can consider as d LC w most properties.. once after our performance, v r hesitated whether v need to change to our traditional costume.. act not every1 is changing so feel abit ma fan if changing.. on the other hand. Since v had bring our costume, y dun v change it? Hmmm. At last v hanged our costume..! since it’s almost 12am n there r some LC which haven do their performance, v were asked to change to the other hall.. d events end ard 1am n every1 enjoy taking photo ard while there’s a game going on outside d hall.. UTM become d winner of dis year GV.. dey impressed us by their traditional dance.
Dat’s a sharing nite bfr v r going back to hostel.. every1 muz share their thoughts n experience in dis 8 days..! for me,i feel dat it’s so amazing dat i had spent 8days w AIESEC.. can’t deny dat i had learn a lots, hav fun, meet lots of new ppl dis few days..! d sharing end ard 4am.. when v reach hostel by walking, it’s edi 5am.. some of us choose to pack luggage n take bath 1st n some chose to sleep for a while cos v need to meet at 630am w all our luggage.. i manage to take half an hour rest bfr i wake up for bathe n oso pack my luggage..
10th dec 06~~
after 7 days lack of sleep n extremely lack of sleep ytd Every1 look so “chan” today.. during LCP election, i went for
UPM bus reach earlier den predicted.. v left USM ard 1030pm.. i feel lucky dat i din fall asleep bfr reaching d penang bridge.. d nite view there is amazing..! d air-cond in d bus is so cool..! v reached UPM ard 6am d next mrng.. dat’s end our 8days wif AIESEC.. i feel dat i learn alots of things n it had broaden my view on many things.. in dis 8 days, v met alots of very geng, talented, n will be very successful ppl..! v can set dem as our role model as dey seems closer w us n more reliable..! anyway.. most of d thing dat v had learn in oni base on theory, hope dat i’l be able to apply it on my life in d future to make me a successful person..!
Hey Girl,
Miss you all a lot ler! Take care and hope to see you soon ar! COme visit us in MC office when you guys free ok!
Glad you had a great time, and thanks to you, i had too!
Love you loads,
Hey Fang Yee!!
I remembered taking damn a lot of pictures with the UPM-ers, but nobody sent me any! *sob*
Thank goodness I found your blog! Hope you enjoyed yourself and learnt much from the NLDS sessions! Yea, can tell some of you were pretty tired sometimes too! *wink*
p/s: Damn, Nish, you beat me to this!
GAl!! I was supposed to go for the NLDS camp oso but then tak jadi cos i was having end of sem exams..sob sob..and guess what? your fren lem used to be my ex-school mate..haha..ask him if he stil remembers me :) take care
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