a day wif sh, kb & jl
7th jan 06~~
since today hav dim sum date wif soo huey dey all, i wake up at 630am..! it had been a long time i nvr wake up in such early mrng..! after me n kui beng reach ss2, i call others cos i guess dey r not there yet..! yuen kim is not joining us bcos she need 2stay at home 4something..! haizz..how nice if she can join us..! v spent most of d times sharing our experience..! it was nice 2listen 2soo huey's uni life at Hawaii..! it's very interesting..! well...both soo huey n kui beng dun lik their life there...dey stil feel dat malaysia is d best cos all ur family n frens r here..! dey dun feel lik going back 2US after dey came back 2malaysia..! huh..their words reli make jun lynn reconsider whether she 1na study oversea...! as 4me, it's no choice 4me n i hav 2 stay here 2continue my study...well...jun lynn ask me y not apply 4 NUS...yup...i'll apply n try my luck..! soo huey treat us 4 d breakfast...!thx gal.! bfr soo huey went home , v took a photo in front of a bakery shop..!
after dat me n kb went 2lynn's house...actually i 1na get all photos dat i lost from her..! but after all, "burning process failed" n it's edi 11am something..it's time 4us 2go 1U 2avoid traffic jam..! dis shopping is 2buy bday present 4our frens which v owe dem since nov..! v able 2 get bday present for 4person (yee wei, ning ann, jia liang, kai ying)...! hehe..v met kit hao n his 2frens there..! after d walk, v went in baker-ing 4 lunch..is it a lunch..? cos every1 of us oni order a piece of cake..! v hav our "lunch" there bcos v r attracted by d environment inside d restaurant..! v hav a 2hours chat inside there..! kui beng treat us 4dis lunch..! hehe..! thx gal..!oppss.. i 4get 2tell my mum dat i was coming 2 1u...she called me n ask where was i..! i reach home at 5pm..!
my mum is going 2 a charity dinner tonite so me n my dad n sis juz went "mega" 4our dinner..! after dinner, i started 2read "the order of phoenix" which i borrow fr jun lynn juz now..! wow..today is reli a nice day 4me..! in d mrng meet wif soo huey...n at noon, went shopping wif kui beng n jun lynn...3 of us din went shopping together 4 along time..!last time 3of us spending time together was d nite bfr kui beng leaving 2US..!
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