^fr frenster blog^
singapore trip 05 + cousin's wedding
12nd dec 05~~
im suffering d whole body muscle pain once i wake up..! thx 2those running activities in nsq camp..! well..i edi expect dat 2day will be such a bz day..! i help my parents 2clean up d house again 2welcome my uncles n auntie dey al..! after all, i pack up my luggage which d whole family of mine will be going 2 singapore 4my cousin's wedding..! it's sweet 2receive some of my nsq camp groupmates sms..ruan yu tang's fren...i reli appreciate it..! in d afternoon, went 4 dentist at kl n help my parents 2buy some souvenir 4their frens in singapore..! at 515pm, my cousin came n fetch us 2d bus station at asia jaya..!v r abit later den d time v date my cousin...hope dat it wun delay her time 4Yoga class..!as i mention in d nsq blog, dis is such a small would..! when i waiting 4 bus there, i met raymond.! he's waiting 4her mum 2finish acca exam..he is now working in pharmacy at pantai hospital...d pay is quite low..! d bus v take is double decker bus...! well...dey got prepare dinner 4us n oso blanket..! reli feel lik as if taking flight..!tml is eng hou's bday..since can't wish him on d day..i wish him 1 hour earlier..! haha.. nvm..!! im d 1st 2 wish him dis year..! yeah..! it's edi 12am when v reach d apartment rented by my uncle at people's park..! v r welcome warmly by others relatives dat reach earlier den us..my grandma even bought some indonesia food n cook 4us..!!
13rd dec 05~~
my mummy's fren become tourguide n bring us 2some famous places in singapore..! d 1st place v go is bugis street..! well...it's something lik petaling street but it's alots cleaner..! v went 4 lunch in an restaurant.. d waitress there is so RUDE..!!! v oso visited a temple there..!after all, v went explanade hall.. v snap alots of photo there..! it's so nice 2eat ice cream wif bread under d hot sun..! when v reach home, it's my 1st time 2c my cousin's husband..! hehe...! not bad le.. is those honest type lo..! ahaha..at nite...v ate dinner at chinatown..! at 1st plan 2go 2orchard road, but reli lack of time since have 2 "comb hair" 4my cousin..!d apartment v stay is alw full of noises as my mummy's all bro n sis was there..it's time 4them 2hav family meeting as dey hav very less chance 2sit together n talk..! well..i can knw my family tree better when listening 2 wat's dey talking..! actually dis was d 1st time i can recognise all of my mum's bro n sis although many of dem come KL many times bfr..!
14th dec 05~~
i was awake at 630am by d noises of aunties dey all..! dat's an miscommunication abt d time dat my cousin's husband will come n fetch her..! most of my uncle n auntie r having their breakfast outside while my cousin's husband came..! everything is in such a mess..at 1030am, d guy rented a bus 2fetch 20 of us 2his house 4"yam cha" ceremony..! dey oso prepared buffet lunch 4us..! after back 2d apartment, some of us went orchard road 4shopping..!my auntie is so "geng"..! in less den 1 hour, she able 2get alots of things wif many big paper n plastic bag..! since v r rushing back 2home 2 prepare 4tonite wedding dinner, i din buy anything 4myself..! my cousin's wife help me 2 put make up 2 d wedding dinner..! it had been 2years i nvr put make up liao..! d last time i put make up is on f5 prom nite..when i look at d mirror, at 1st i quite shock of my look, but later at least can accept it..! =p well...once mentioning prom nite, it make me think of my 6sis.! my mummy's side family tree is so big until i dunno who's my cousin whose wife is putting make up wif me..! she is a photographer who work in a photo shop...so can sed quite professional in make up..! singaporians is d same wif malaysian, d wedding dinner delay 4almost 1 hour bfr it started..! d food in d restaurant is very tasty..! since v reach home at almost 11pm, our plan 2go orchard road 4its nite view had been cancelled..! n now i feel dat it's quite ma fan 2put make up since i hav 2clean it very clearly although im edi very tired..! well...my cousin's wife has promise me 2teach me how put make up..! hahaa..! but i dun think i'll put make up except 4 special occasions..! anyway..it's gd 2learn something new..!
15th dec 05~~
my dad n 2of my sis went back 2kl in d early mrng without joining us since my sis will be having pbsm camp in sch..! now, im d youngest among 20 ppl..! d day become more miserable when i dun quite understand d languages dat my auntie n uncle speak..! my uncle has rented a bus in johor which will fetch us 2segamat, melacca, n lastly back 2my house in KL..! v take bus 2d bus station which v shud take bus 2johor fr singapore..! dat's a hill of luggage..! every1 of us take many luggage until all d ppl ard us look at us...! look lik as if v r "tao ming" ppl..! reli embarassing..! the luggage is uncountable..! i think..is more den 50 n every1 of it is very big in size..! it's very tiring 2carry 2luggage..! when passing d kastam, den oni i realise dat im d oni malaysian among 20 of us..!v had our lunch in johor bahru in a shop dat is famous 4its curry fish head..! d bus driver drive very slowly n it took us 3hours 2reach segamat fr JB..! actually v went segamat 2visit 1of my relatives there..! according 2dem, segamat's coffee is d best in malaysia...well..i din try it since i dun lik coffee very much...d relatives in segamat treat us eat dinner in a restaurant bfr our journey back 2kl..! since it's edi 730pm bfr v start our journey fr segamat, d malacca trip plan has been cancelled 2..! it's edi 1130pm when v reach home..! well..dat's 20 over ppl in my house now but it's oni 2toilets here...! my house now is full of luggage..! while waiting 4 d toilet, i take d time 2sms all my "ruan yu tang" frens..!
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