kai ying's bday n a bad experience
9th jan 06~~
brenda had planned a bday celebration 4 kai ying tonite since last week..! who knw i get her call dat she sed she mayb can't make it bcos of not feeling well..reli hav 2 thx 2 those maggie mee she ate..!my sis ask me 2fetch her at sch at 5pm..huh...it's such a traffic jam time n she ask me 2 fetch her..! it took me an hour 4 d whole journey..! i left oni half an hour 2put make up..! haha..! dis is my 2nd time put make up by myself n d 1st time 2c my frens..! hope dat it's not 2bad..! hehe..! =p brenda is feeling well now n is coming along wif us..! yeah.. i fetch kui beng at 1A-pinang bfr v left 2 pyramid..! bfr v call brenda, v met her n kai ying there...n 3 guys...1 i can recognise is andy (although i oni c his photo bfr)..den the other 2 i tot was andy's n kai ying's frens..but brenda sed is "kai go"..mayb my mind work 2slow n can't get wat she meant..! so v all went kimgary 4our dinner.. jun lynn n sze wen was late so dey were ask 2 bought a piece of cake bfr dey came..! haha.! v were transfer 2a big table at d entrance there..! hehe..v sing bday song 4 both kui beng n kai ying...d 2pieces of starbuck cake was divided into 10pieces..after d dinner n rite after kai ying's fren went home..brenda mention again d "kai go" thing...jun lynn's brain work so fast n she can get it at once n come out wif a werid smile.....den i tink again..oh..! i knw who's d 3guy liao..haha..! den v ask andy wat's his opinion...=) after taking photo, kai ying continue her shopping n v al went into sp 2take sticker photo..!now it's edi 10pm v had date other 2meet at 7-11 at chs at 10pm...! haha..it's d usual thing dat v do..! LATE..!
tin ming was d 1st dat v saw at 7-11...n found winston, kelvin, n keat seong inside d domino shop..! n now v r going 2 rush..! haha..!v r waiting 4 jian lun n choy shin bfr go inside.! dat's not much ppl there mayb it's stil early..ee ling came a bit later...i drink quite alots of drink n started 2 feel drunk..! went outside 2vomit acompany by frens..! so paiseh la..! luckily i was coming wif a gp of frens dat i trusted..aiyoh..reli look lik a bad gal le..! i had 4gotten how many times i vomit edi..! cham..spoilt my own image in front of frens..plus so many ppl there...hope dat's no ppl dati knw ard there..!since dun 1na reduce others time enjoying inside..so al of us went inside again but i oni sit a d bench there...after dat i rather sleep at there..! wah...can sleep undersuch a noisy condition..oh ya...d place there is getting crowded..! after i awake..i think it's edi 3am something edi..manage 2dance 4 awhile bfr dey close it..! i let sze wen drive my car since i sked dat im stil drunk...! v al went steven crner 4supper bfr going back.! since winston can't go home...so he hav 2 come my house 1st...v sent kelvin home bfr go back 2my house..! again it was sze wen driving..! =) it's edi 530am when v reach home..! after taking bath, v stil manage 2 hav a "crazy" chat w/o winston bfr going 2 bed..! 5 of us squeeze in a small room of mine..! when i wake up, it's edi 12pm..i reli feel bad wat i did ytd...cos bringing trouble 2my frens dey all n sked dey al worry abt me...so sent an apologoize n thx sms 2each of dem..! thx n sorry again my frens..! next time v go clubbing again but im not going 2 drink liquor ok..! haha..!
after sze wen dey all wake up, swee king was here 2fetch winston 2futsal..! v look at d nsq photo bfr goimg 4 lunch..! after d lunch sze wen, jun lynn, n kui beng went home..n wat i do..? after watching movie fr 5-1030pm..i went 2 sleep again..! ytd nite was reli a nightmare 4me..! it's 1 of my life experience but i think i'l oni allow it 2 occured once..! not anymore in d future..!it' reli gave ppl a very bad impression when a gal is drunk..! plus d feeling of drunk is terrible..! so i had promise myself not 2 drink liquor anymore....n now it's reli time 2 become a guai guai lui liao..! muz be responsible on wat myself did..! it's important 2 clubbing wif frens dat u trust n knw 4 a long time..! i think it'll not be dat dangerous lo...but...can't go 2often of coz..! one or twice in a year is acceptable.! haha.! my holiday mood shud be end now.! it's time 2find a parttime job..! =)
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