20th may 06~~
I wake up at 9am today… after finish packing my luggage to PD n finish eating breakfast, it’s edi 1030am… bfr eng hoe reach my home, I received lynn call dat she’s edi at d bus stop..! I get d news dat eng hoe is going to
V decided 2visit chs while waiting 4 ee ling.. when v r on d way 2sports centre.. v saw lim yoke kheng..scary la.. nvr expect 2c her here.. after visiting d koir room, ping pong n squash room, v sam some ppl r playing volleyball in d big sports cente… v decided 2find swee king.. haha.. he’s teaching taekwando in d hall.. r v bad not teling him where r v going later..? haha.. ee ling reach chs wif chris while v r chatting wif swee king.. v find pn lim yoke keng at her office… it’s edi 2 years pass n she can stil rmb us n wat society v joined.. so touching le… after exchange contact no wif her, v start our journey 2 PD.. n now is d time 4 li yur 2 tell us her story..! haha. Wah… it’s reli lik “story”.. hmmm.. 4me, i juz feel dat it’s hard 2 find a ppl who lik u n u lik him/her.. so li yur.. jia you oh..! ee ling sed she’s going 2
V turn into wrong exit of d highway..so it makes our journey longer… nvm la..all of us keep on chatting in d car..! v pass by d city of
It took almost half an hour 4dem to come back.. since d guy is so tired taking bus… so v, d gals decided 2walk back 2 apartment..! hehe.it’s juz less den 5minutes walk..! ahha.. once v reach apartment, v change our clothes n start our activity at once.. act it’s ard 5pm now.. v 1na play beach volleyball but d court was booked by others.. sad.. so v go to d beach 4 water scooter… hmmm.. v spent alots of time bargaining price wif d ppl..! at last v get 4 water scooter for 15 minutes..! me n eng hoe,
After all, v play at d PD sea.. yarks.. d sea water is so so so dirty..! juz keep on telling myself do not compare it wif perhentian island..
V wash ourselves a pool side bfr going back to apartment… d key was left in eng hou’s car… d guys sed dey r going to take d key.. so v juz wait here.. after abt 15monutes of waiting, dey r stil not back yet.. so v juz wonder dey will juz leave us here n dey had gone back 2take bath.. so v juz went back to d apartment instead of continue waiting…v dun hav keys n oso hp.. v knock d door.. no ppl giving response plus no sounds inside.. after waiting or a while outside d apartment, v start thinking whether v shud trust d guys n wait dem at d pool.. however, after v start thinking whether v r wrong 4not trusting dem, v heard some sound inside…! Omg.. dey r inside..!!! again v knock d door as hard as v can..! n now de yoni open d door 4us..! reli “guo fen” le… it’s time 4us 2 revenge now..! 1st who suffer was eng hou n pang hou… v use our towel n d pillow to beat dem..! dao n keat seong hide in their room.. v ask eng hoe n pang hoe to call dem out… n now it was dem hitting by us..! haha…! Reli nvr think dat dey will treat us lidat le..! treat 4gals lidat..? as conclusion fr 4 of us, dey dun tink v r gals..!
After finish bathing, v went out 4dinner… 8 of us try 2get into eng hoe’s car… wow… 8 ppl in atos….! V travel lidat to d restaurant..it’s so so so funn..! i juz wonder wat d driver whose car drive behind ours think when he sw so many ppl in an atos…! It’s funny oso when v get down fr d car… so many ppl come down fr an atos..! haha..!! v waited 4 almost an hour bfr our dinner was served..! v spent dis 1 hour talking n reviewing our life in f4 n f5.. how r v called bro n sis..? v can’t get d answ cos every1 had 4gotten abt it..! drama n sch concert dancing, japanese buffet dinner, genting trips where 2head pefect ponteng together, n many many things…
After dinner, v went to a pasar malam near d town.. it’s edi 10pm something so most of d stall was closed.. it’s a malay pasar malam.. after dat, v went to d Mexican bar.. most of us ordered cocktail.. pang hou is so special.. he ordered graveyard..! wow.. he din drunk..! v spent abt 2hours chatting at d bar… it’s my 1st time chatting wif frens while having some drinks in a bar.. d feeling is so good… d waitress inform us dat dat’s a road block along d road here.. she oso realize dat all of us coming in an atos.. so paiseh le.. so v decided 2let eng hou drive twice..! me, pang hou, n
8 of us squeeze on a queen size double bed 4 chatting.. at last v decided 2put all d tilam out 2d living room.. v r going to sleep there together..! hehe…! v talk teh whole nite..! most of d topic is between boy gals relationship… most funny ppl is eng hou wif his “300 years” talk.. keat seong was “zat” by us.. he reli dun look lik a doctor la..! not to look him down cos he’s reli smart… but… mayb a doctor is not suitable 4him cos he’s too funny liao…! Ee ling is d 1 who protect gal’s right.. li yur is d love counselor… pang hou is d 1 who keep on asking question so datv got topics to continue chatting.. ard 5am, most of dem fall asleep liao… me, dao, lynn, n ee ling gambling black jack.. ee ling suddenly stand up n go into d room without a single word.. v tot she’s going 2toilet who knws she went to d bed to sleep..! so me, dao, n
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