23rd june 06~~
Again me n my mum went checker to but stuff which v din buy ytd for today’s class party.. im so looking fwd for tonite’s party as dat’s ard 20-25 ppl r coming..! plus it can say as a farewell party for all of us.. after next week, many of us will go oversea or outstation to study..! all of us will not meet in a short time..! i fetch my mum to consult doctor bfr brenda came my house.. when i saw Brenda n zen quan wearing class t-shirt… i realise dat v need to wear class t-shirt.. well.. i 4get edi where i put my class t- shirt so i spend quite a long time o find it out.. michelle, Brenda , n zen quan wait for me at d living room.. paiseh le.. nvm le.. i called
When v r leaving my home, my mum came back.. so fast..! i juz try my luck to chai yong’s house as i nvr go her house bfr.. it’s juz base on d direction my dad gave me.. luckily v manage to found chai yong’s house..! dat’s many ppl reach there liao.. so happy to c al of dem..! every1 bz chatting ard n chai yong’s house is full wif noise..! d party start while every1 went out d living room to hav our pizza dinner.. dao bring a funny games which his sis buy fr
hey gal!!! how are ya? juz drop by to say hello! i'll be back in mid-sept! hope to see u soonz!!! missing u so much!!!
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