~~1st years~~
~~kings & queens~~
~~ wif 2nd year senior at the stage~~
~~group photos~~
~~d 5 nutrition 1st year guys~~
~~edna, ee yin, & me~~
~~me & course king~~
~~me & dai lou~~
~~me & jason~~
~~yin yik & me~~
~~yong khai & me~~
~~qian yeen & me~~
~~me & sean~~
~~cheng ee & me~~
~~ma de li bu si yi... ~~
~~xui li ( my buddy) & me~~
~~edna & me~~
~~table 3~~
~~yee sang & me~~
~~sheau yun & me~~
~~shien ping & me~~
~~me & cheong hong~~
~~rue, wen, me.. chs gals... =) ~~
~~fAnG yEe~~
~~me & ling hui~~
~~pey pey & me~~
~~pei wen & me~~
~~siew hui & me~~
~~ me & tien fong~~
~~me & tsui ying~~
~~me & sock keng~~
~~me & lay siang~~
~~suong yii & me~~
~~couple dance team~~
~~ modern dance team~~
~~my hair~~
~~in d car~~
~~on the way to bukit jalil golf club~~
26th august 06~~
today is my mummy's bday..! act im feeling quite guilty can't celebrate wif her today bcos of going to course nite... anyway.. i had ponteng ytd's computer class n went home on thurs for dinner celebration a day bfr which was ytd nite... however, v went for dinner quite late at nite bcos every1 seems bz.. at last v had decided to had our dinner at a new western style restorant at OUG..dat's many magic toys here..! v play with those magic toys while eating n waiting..!
at last, sat had came.. rue n wen reached my house ard 230pm.. since my auntie feel not convenient to come over my house to make up 4 me, i went my grandma's house n wen dey all stay in my room n start make up..! thx my auntie to make up 4 me..! hehe..! after i went back, i help rue put her final make up.. luckily it's not too ugly..! v start our journey at 6pm in a rush bcos many things stil not yet ready..!!
cheng hong bring us to d hall when v reach there..! anyway.. all of d 1st years r stil waiting outside at the hall.. v r stil not allowed o go in.. of cousre v du waste the time waiting n it's photographing section 4us.. however, it's too hot outside so most of us starts sweating..! every1 r given a name card..! ard 7pm, v r asked to go into d hall.. anyway.. d events starts ard 730pm.. d 1st years r asked to cat walk one by one..! paiseh le..! juz bfr eating sections starts, d modern dance gals. include me wenttoilte to change our dancing costume..!
d stage is so small 4us 2do our formation.. so our dance bcome quite messy... anyway.. nvm la.. as long as v did our best.. when it's couple's dance time, v rush 2d toilet n change our dinner dress again..! luckily d fashion show events not yet started..! all he seniors all dancing the couple dance..! when it comes to fashion show time, d seniors r oso very active n become models by demselves... all fo us paly until crayz when it comes to singing part.. d formation dat v planned r not successful as every1 is playing "train"..!
after all, it's time to choose king n queen..! 3 nominess, each 4 gals n guys was chose by senior base on our catwalk events juz now...dey r pey pey, ling hui, n li peng... 4for guys dey r sean, cheon hong n cheng ee... after a "games"... v starts voting 4 our king n queen..! at last, cheong hong get the king title while pey pey is d queen..! congrates..! hehe.! after dat, it follows by the lucky darw session whichorganise by those alumni.. den, all of us r almost crazy now..!! every1 is dancing at d dance floor n taking photo together..! however,d tine is not early edi.. most of dem need to rush back to hostel by 12am.. dat's d end of our coursenite..!!!
when i reached home, d 1st feeling is very tired... starts preparing at 2pm n haven't rest bfr..later stil need to take bath n put off the make up..! however, it's worth it bcos d whole nite is so fun..!!! v had oni once in life to experince course nite as 1st years students.. next year, v r 2nd year n become seniors edi... juz feel dat d feeling of atending coursenite will be very different..!

26th august 06~~
today is my mummy's bday..! act im feeling quite guilty can't celebrate wif her today bcos of going to course nite... anyway.. i had ponteng ytd's computer class n went home on thurs for dinner celebration a day bfr which was ytd nite... however, v went for dinner quite late at nite bcos every1 seems bz.. at last v had decided to had our dinner at a new western style restorant at OUG..dat's many magic toys here..! v play with those magic toys while eating n waiting..!
at last, sat had came.. rue n wen reached my house ard 230pm.. since my auntie feel not convenient to come over my house to make up 4 me, i went my grandma's house n wen dey all stay in my room n start make up..! thx my auntie to make up 4 me..! hehe..! after i went back, i help rue put her final make up.. luckily it's not too ugly..! v start our journey at 6pm in a rush bcos many things stil not yet ready..!!
cheng hong bring us to d hall when v reach there..! anyway.. all of d 1st years r stil waiting outside at the hall.. v r stil not allowed o go in.. of cousre v du waste the time waiting n it's photographing section 4us.. however, it's too hot outside so most of us starts sweating..! every1 r given a name card..! ard 7pm, v r asked to go into d hall.. anyway.. d events starts ard 730pm.. d 1st years r asked to cat walk one by one..! paiseh le..! juz bfr eating sections starts, d modern dance gals. include me wenttoilte to change our dancing costume..!
d stage is so small 4us 2do our formation.. so our dance bcome quite messy... anyway.. nvm la.. as long as v did our best.. when it's couple's dance time, v rush 2d toilet n change our dinner dress again..! luckily d fashion show events not yet started..! all he seniors all dancing the couple dance..! when it comes to fashion show time, d seniors r oso very active n become models by demselves... all fo us paly until crayz when it comes to singing part.. d formation dat v planned r not successful as every1 is playing "train"..!
after all, it's time to choose king n queen..! 3 nominess, each 4 gals n guys was chose by senior base on our catwalk events juz now...dey r pey pey, ling hui, n li peng... 4for guys dey r sean, cheon hong n cheng ee... after a "games"... v starts voting 4 our king n queen..! at last, cheong hong get the king title while pey pey is d queen..! congrates..! hehe.! after dat, it follows by the lucky darw session whichorganise by those alumni.. den, all of us r almost crazy now..!! every1 is dancing at d dance floor n taking photo together..! however,d tine is not early edi.. most of dem need to rush back to hostel by 12am.. dat's d end of our coursenite..!!!
when i reached home, d 1st feeling is very tired... starts preparing at 2pm n haven't rest bfr..later stil need to take bath n put off the make up..! however, it's worth it bcos d whole nite is so fun..!!! v had oni once in life to experince course nite as 1st years students.. next year, v r 2nd year n become seniors edi... juz feel dat d feeling of atending coursenite will be very different..!
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