~~last day~~
~~pesta makan.. sunburn liao..!!~~
~~ bubu~~
~~ our flag n tent~~
~~our fire~~
~~the TIGER... alpha-2~~
~~survivor games~~
3-7th september 06~~
v need to gather at the fornt of our fac at 745am..! every1 carrying their big luggage walk from hpstel to front of the fac..! when i reached there, there has been many ppl waiting edi..! v r asked to line up in our own gp..! luckily pei wen n cheong hong r in the same gp w me..! v changed on the OBE t-shirt n were asked to gather at dewan kuliah utama..! the shirt is so ugly n we r oso given a hat..! that's a talk bfr v going to Melaka..! me n pei wen sit together on the bus.. 2 of us spend most of the time sleeping in d bus bcos this 5dyas wil be very hectic n mayb lack of sleep according to seniors.. when v reached melaka, there are army block the road for us so that our bus no need to stop at the traffic light..! the condition will be quite impressing as u can c ard 10 busses passed by one follow by another..! that's an opening ceremony bfr v r aked to bring our luggage to the dormitory..! al of us r given an egg to look after.. the edd can't break or be stolen by faci in this 5 days...the sleeping place is quite terrible.. plus i was not told to bring cadar or sleeping bag.. luckily the bed i choose is not as terrible as others but i stil feel scary sleep on it.. anyway.. it's oni 5 days here n every nite' be very tiring so i think it's not a prob 4 me to fall a sleep gua..! it's time for our 1st lunch here.. i juz can't imagine dey din provide us w cutlery..! d chinese r force to use our hand to eat..! so gek le.!
our 1st 2days activity was lead by our gp faci... al the activity is more to mental developement... all of us r devided into alpha, beta, cari, n delta gp,, each big gp got 4 small gp.. im in alpha-2..! v r asked to give a name to our gp n v decided it to be -- tiger..! our faci, william, a bio medic 2nd year student..he helped us alot in this 5 days..! thx ya.. william..!! here, v can c many army r so free n always gp together chatting n smoking..! sigh.. the toilet here is worse than during ns.. i reli feel that i shud appreciate the toilte in my house, or even in my hostel..! the 1st 2 days pass by very fast as not much of physical trainng n most of it r indoor n character building games..!
starting on tues evening... it's d time for army to train us..! there shud be a was games but it was cancelled after v reached the place.! at nite, alpha n beta gp r starting our survivor games.. v r going into the jungle from 8pm n will oni be comng out on 4pm in the next day... that's a safety talk bfr v r going into the jungle..! v r even given to taste some plants that v can be found in the jungle which can be eaten when v r lost..! all of us r given a plastic bag to sleep in the jungle.. each gp need to set up our own fire so dat every gp member is sleeping ard it..! when al of us fall asleep, it starts to rain..! al of us r going down to the tent..! act that's ntg for us to do here so every1 sleep on the bench..! when the rain stops, v went back to the jungle n set up the fire again bfr v sleep.! i juz can't imagine i manage to fall asleep on the the wet floor.!
on the next mrng, v r given some army food n ubi kayu to cook..! however, william brought biscuit for us..! haha..! al of us help in cooking, finding wood, n doing a bubu n set a camp which v r going to exchange our lunch w the two things..! our lunch consist of a chicken n v r ordered not to cook rice but porridge..! v r given curry powder to cook d chicken...! although the food is not very nice, it's 1st time in my life tasting such food..! v r going out of the jungle ard 4pm.. when v walk back to d tent, v saw some army r in the training of playing abselling.. i miss NS..!!! hmm.. dunno when'll i hav d chance to play abselling n flying fox again..! v take a nap bfr our dinner..! after nite walk, dat's a was game in the dark after a series of investigation n games..! however, it was cancelled due to the faci's walkie talkie r out of battery..! gek le.. it muz be very fun..!
wed is the most hectic days in this OBE..! after exercising n breakfast, v went jungle tracking..! dis jungle tracking is the longest jungle tracking that i had experienced bfr..! it took us abt 3 hours n that's no tracks for us.! v hav to find the way out by compass.. after d jungle tracking, v went to a beach by army's lorry..! i wish i can hav my lunch once i get here but boating is our next events..! v need to paddle our boat to an island n come back to the beach..! now oni i knw dat act dat's many ppl dunno how to swim..! my gp was devided into 2 boats... the sun is very hot n d distance that v need to boat is so long..! most of our teammates cant endure it mn were sent back to d beach by army's boat.. i try my best to stay in the boat to help in paddling although i feel abit fainted..! at last, v r able to reach the beach side..!! very very tired le.. the other boat of my team is worse.. dey came back a long time after us..! the events after lunch is rakit-ing..! after dat, v went back to our dom n take bath...
dat's a performance fr every gp tonite... i guess the performance fr alpha 1&2 is the worst bcos v din do much of preparation work cos not much time r given to us..! dat's BBQ dinner tonite n it's very delicious..! after d BBQ dinner, it edi 12am something.. im reli tired bcos of today but dey dun allow us to sleep by scolding us..! i reli hate dis type of culture le.. ( as during orientation week).. dey scold us without points wif the purpose dun let us o sleep so early.. v r released back to dom at 330am.. i reli hate it..!!!! dis make me become more racist..!
the next mrng is a telematch between every gp n oso faci..1 every1 is very enjoy of it.. dat's oso a was games between us n those faci..! fun le..! after lunch, v start our journey back to UPM..! al of us sleep in the bus bcos too tired edi..! huh.. dat's how my 5days gone.. anyway.. it's a memorable experince in my life..!!! sigh.. our 2nd test is going to starts soon..!!

3-7th september 06~~
v need to gather at the fornt of our fac at 745am..! every1 carrying their big luggage walk from hpstel to front of the fac..! when i reached there, there has been many ppl waiting edi..! v r asked to line up in our own gp..! luckily pei wen n cheong hong r in the same gp w me..! v changed on the OBE t-shirt n were asked to gather at dewan kuliah utama..! the shirt is so ugly n we r oso given a hat..! that's a talk bfr v going to Melaka..! me n pei wen sit together on the bus.. 2 of us spend most of the time sleeping in d bus bcos this 5dyas wil be very hectic n mayb lack of sleep according to seniors.. when v reached melaka, there are army block the road for us so that our bus no need to stop at the traffic light..! the condition will be quite impressing as u can c ard 10 busses passed by one follow by another..! that's an opening ceremony bfr v r aked to bring our luggage to the dormitory..! al of us r given an egg to look after.. the edd can't break or be stolen by faci in this 5 days...the sleeping place is quite terrible.. plus i was not told to bring cadar or sleeping bag.. luckily the bed i choose is not as terrible as others but i stil feel scary sleep on it.. anyway.. it's oni 5 days here n every nite' be very tiring so i think it's not a prob 4 me to fall a sleep gua..! it's time for our 1st lunch here.. i juz can't imagine dey din provide us w cutlery..! d chinese r force to use our hand to eat..! so gek le.!
our 1st 2days activity was lead by our gp faci... al the activity is more to mental developement... all of us r devided into alpha, beta, cari, n delta gp,, each big gp got 4 small gp.. im in alpha-2..! v r asked to give a name to our gp n v decided it to be -- tiger..! our faci, william, a bio medic 2nd year student..he helped us alot in this 5 days..! thx ya.. william..!! here, v can c many army r so free n always gp together chatting n smoking..! sigh.. the toilet here is worse than during ns.. i reli feel that i shud appreciate the toilte in my house, or even in my hostel..! the 1st 2 days pass by very fast as not much of physical trainng n most of it r indoor n character building games..!
starting on tues evening... it's d time for army to train us..! there shud be a was games but it was cancelled after v reached the place.! at nite, alpha n beta gp r starting our survivor games.. v r going into the jungle from 8pm n will oni be comng out on 4pm in the next day... that's a safety talk bfr v r going into the jungle..! v r even given to taste some plants that v can be found in the jungle which can be eaten when v r lost..! all of us r given a plastic bag to sleep in the jungle.. each gp need to set up our own fire so dat every gp member is sleeping ard it..! when al of us fall asleep, it starts to rain..! al of us r going down to the tent..! act that's ntg for us to do here so every1 sleep on the bench..! when the rain stops, v went back to the jungle n set up the fire again bfr v sleep.! i juz can't imagine i manage to fall asleep on the the wet floor.!
on the next mrng, v r given some army food n ubi kayu to cook..! however, william brought biscuit for us..! haha..! al of us help in cooking, finding wood, n doing a bubu n set a camp which v r going to exchange our lunch w the two things..! our lunch consist of a chicken n v r ordered not to cook rice but porridge..! v r given curry powder to cook d chicken...! although the food is not very nice, it's 1st time in my life tasting such food..! v r going out of the jungle ard 4pm.. when v walk back to d tent, v saw some army r in the training of playing abselling.. i miss NS..!!! hmm.. dunno when'll i hav d chance to play abselling n flying fox again..! v take a nap bfr our dinner..! after nite walk, dat's a was game in the dark after a series of investigation n games..! however, it was cancelled due to the faci's walkie talkie r out of battery..! gek le.. it muz be very fun..!
wed is the most hectic days in this OBE..! after exercising n breakfast, v went jungle tracking..! dis jungle tracking is the longest jungle tracking that i had experienced bfr..! it took us abt 3 hours n that's no tracks for us.! v hav to find the way out by compass.. after d jungle tracking, v went to a beach by army's lorry..! i wish i can hav my lunch once i get here but boating is our next events..! v need to paddle our boat to an island n come back to the beach..! now oni i knw dat act dat's many ppl dunno how to swim..! my gp was devided into 2 boats... the sun is very hot n d distance that v need to boat is so long..! most of our teammates cant endure it mn were sent back to d beach by army's boat.. i try my best to stay in the boat to help in paddling although i feel abit fainted..! at last, v r able to reach the beach side..!! very very tired le.. the other boat of my team is worse.. dey came back a long time after us..! the events after lunch is rakit-ing..! after dat, v went back to our dom n take bath...
dat's a performance fr every gp tonite... i guess the performance fr alpha 1&2 is the worst bcos v din do much of preparation work cos not much time r given to us..! dat's BBQ dinner tonite n it's very delicious..! after d BBQ dinner, it edi 12am something.. im reli tired bcos of today but dey dun allow us to sleep by scolding us..! i reli hate dis type of culture le.. ( as during orientation week).. dey scold us without points wif the purpose dun let us o sleep so early.. v r released back to dom at 330am.. i reli hate it..!!!! dis make me become more racist..!
the next mrng is a telematch between every gp n oso faci..1 every1 is very enjoy of it.. dat's oso a was games between us n those faci..! fun le..! after lunch, v start our journey back to UPM..! al of us sleep in the bus bcos too tired edi..! huh.. dat's how my 5days gone.. anyway.. it's a memorable experince in my life..!!! sigh.. our 2nd test is going to starts soon..!!
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