CNY visit w f6 frenz…(day 1)
~~me, eng hou, & kui eng hou's house~~

~~ jun lynn's house~~
th feb 06~~
I m going 2 “bai nian” wif my f6 frenz…! Kui beng is joining us oso.. hehe.. I reach jun lynn’s house at 11am…while v r waiting.. jun lynn served us wif d food dat her parents bought fr taiwan.. Winston is d 3rd 2reach here after me n kb..! v r juz wondering y he stil joining us as he knw he’s d oni guy dat joining us today..! jian lun is stil in hometown while ley yee is bz today.. v start gambling after sze wen, choy shin, rue hann came.. black jack is follow by in between…I lose a few ringgits while d big winner is winston..! v spent almost 2hours on gambling..! yee wei is joining us on d half way of gambling..! v had lunch a ok restaurant bfr going 2 choy shin’s house..! yee wei play a song 4us there… d next stop is sze wen’s house… Winston is not going in 2her house cos he has date his b2 frenz 2visit pn.jeya… actually v r planning 2 join dem but v haven finished visiting houses at 1U area… n now it’s yee wei’s house turn..! v reach there abit earlier den her brother’s almost 20 frenz… it’s quite crowded at her house but v r going 2 visit her room wen her brother’s frens r here… act v hav a house tour in every house dat v went..! d next stop is rue hann’s house… v juz stay a while there as she’s having a dinner at putrajaya later.. it’s raining when v go home… al of us went into choy shin’s car 2decide d next plan… well…d next plan is v go n visit houses near old klang road n subang tml… act dats’s a clubbing plan tonite as kb is going back 2US tml but it was cancelled since all of us was tired..
Kb has nvr meet eng hou after she went back 2malaysia… v go n visit eng hou bfr I go 4 d steamboat dinner wif family… eng hou was bz wif his assignment which hav 2 handle on next Monday.. joon wayn is d 1 dat greet us when v reach there… dat’s 4pc n many cable in eng hou’s house… I hate E&E..! v juz hav a short chat wif him as I was edi late 4my dinner..! when I reach hou hou restaurant at sri petaling, all my family members had almost finish eating…! Nvm la… dun eat 2much as im very fat now..! all of us went my grandma’s house n plan 2 gamble there…who knws every1 is watching “jiong mun yen” once v reach there… I saw kin wei on9..! it’s time 4me 2 send him a very funny pic dat I discover few days ago..! a pic of he n me when v r stil young…at 1st plan 2 go off9 after send 2him…but later yean is on9…I chat wif her until 3am… v r giving comment on d ns frens days..haha.. huh…tml will be a bz day again..!
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