d foo family day...=)

today is d 3rd day of cny n it’l be a day dat full wif delicious food..! omg..! fat..!!!!!!!! My uncle treat us a lunch at tanjung harapan (hai nan village) today..! v drive 5cars 2d place 2hav seafood lunch…my grandma is oso coming wif us..! it took us almost an hour 2reach d place..! when reach there, me n my cousin feel lik cheated cos my uncle sed v can go n hav a walk along d beach after lunch…so me n her plan 2wear “yang guang” look… but dat’s no beautiful beach there..! d beach is quite polluted…d food is better den d 1 in teluk gong (coconut village) which v ate last year.. dis lunch took my uncle rm400 over..! after d lunch, d whole foo family take a photo bfr going back..i think dis is d 1st time in d foo family take a photo 2gether…but…d sad thing is d whole family of my auntie dat pass away is not coming.. haiz…so v muz reli appreciate any outing wif our own family..! after photo shooting, my uncle reli bring us 2 a beach there… dat’s many malay but I cant find a Chinese there...! it’s a very hot day, after taking some photo, v went home n dey r coming 2visit my house..! at almost 5pm, v went 2my auntie house at cheras…she’s treating us a dinner at her house..! huh..so full..! even there’s lots of delicious food, I feel so “zai” 2eat it…hmmm…every cny is lik dat, 2many delicious food 2eat…v oni stay 4 awhile in my auntie’s house cos my grandma is suffering stomachache.. it’s gd oso cos quite sien staying there… after reach my grandma’s house, hehe..it’s time 2 “hoi toi” now..! aha..! me n my sis, my auntie, my cousins, n my dad is gambling..1 I think I lose a few ringgit here..! v al going home at 11pm…today is a very meaningful day…spent most of d time wif d whole big family in “trips” n chatting..! hope dat v’ll always lidat lo.. I mean..not oni during cny..mayb can plan some trip 2some places nearby…
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