24th june 06~~
I was awake by my mum dis mrng.. she ask me to fetch my sis to consult skin doctor at old town.. i nvr expect a skin specialist wil hav so much patient.. v wait quite long for my sis’s turn.. after dat, v went for “brunch” at mc Donald.. i take a nap after i reach home bcos most prob i’l not be sleeping tonite..! ard 3pm, i get keat seong call to fetch him at sp.. well.. i so lazy to drive to sunway.. however, i feel dat im so bad when i went out cos it’s raining quite heavily now.. i wait in d car outside chs 7-11.. suddenly dat’s a guy came n sed he 1na do some interview.. i realize it’s so dangerous to stay alone in d car..! i juz pretend dat my phone ringing n i chatting thru d phone juz 2 ignore him..! i juz wonder how’l i be if i open my car window..! hmm.. dangerous le..
V wath a movie while wait for others.. pang hou is juz on time to join us on movie.. v watch takes the lead bcos stay alive’s ticket r sold out... well.. it’s a nice movie n make me feel lik learning dancing after watching it… eng hou n Winston need 2more hours to reach here.. v plan to watch stay alive 730pm show while waiting for dem.. however, it juz left d most in front sit… v decided to walk along bintang walk while waiting.. dis is our 1st time coming ard bukit bintang together although v always hang out during f4 n f5.! V plan to had our dinner at lecka lecka in front of star hill at 1st.. well.. it change to the ship.. v r invited to wait for table at the ship bar.. eng hou join us here… d environment at d bar is so good for watching football…well.. tonite’s 1st match is
When v r walking back to d carpark, v saw 988 “kai xin che dui”..! each of us get a packet of peanut sweet, a drinks, n a newspaper fr dem..! at last
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