5th feb 06~~
V continue our cny visit today..! as usual v r late den d time dat v shud meet..! d 1st stop today is my house.! V stay at my house until 2pm something cos v can’t find any other houses 2visit..! v plan 2 visit pn ellen but she is bz preparing exam paper… pn jeya is oni free after 3pm..! d next stop is pn jeya’s house.. Winston lead us 2her house… her house is very big..! she let us hav a look on b2’s vcd…it’s very meaningful..! after a short chat, v went 2winston house 2”bai nian”… his dog is cute but v r stil sked of it… yee wei was bite by d dog but luckily d hurt is not 2bad.! Winston let us hav a look 2 his room.. v found many photo there..! d nest stop shud be michelle’s house but she’s not at home yet.. so v r going 2 kui beng’s house 2take some “orange” 4michelle..! when v pass by chi jee’s house, v decided 2stop there n c whether he’s there..! v talk wif him at d opposite side of road..! it’s quite funny when cars pass by d road..! his whole family is going out soon 2hav dinner.. v feel very paiseh when his mum ask us 2go in d house n take a sit..! d angpow packet dat kui beng’s mum gav is very special….
It’s very 2meet michelle today… it had been almost 2months I nvr c her..! v juz stay there for an hour cos v sked dat v r disturbing her dinner wif her family.. dat’s no more houses at subang area 2let us visit since boon peng dey all r in yin kurn’s house.. plus now is time 2 fetch kb home cos she is taking tonite 12am flight back 2US..! after fetch her back, v had our dinner at steven corner.. v plan 2 celebrate valentine’s day together..! yeah… after today will be a bz day 4 every1 of us..! all of dem start working edi…n 4 me-start working soon..! hahaha… after take bath, my family n I went 2my grandma’s house 4 “bai tian gong”..! I told my cousin d rm7 per hour job at center point..she sed worth it 2go so far 2work if d pay is dat high.. she claims dat 1U is not very far oso..hmmm..so I cal jun
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