a day wif lee hom..!
~~me, mon shee, yee wei, sze wen~~

~~my cousin n me wif lee hom's poster.. on d way back~~
19th march 06~~at 1st, need 2 thx fei wen 4 giving me d 2 lee hom's ticket..! well..it's oso her fault nvr keep d vip area tickets 4 us..haha.. so greedy la me...=p in d mrng, i had my dim sum breakfast at sri petaling " kam lun tai" wif my family... v came 2 taste d dishes here so dat v can bring my grandma 4 breakfast here oso... 4 me, it's qute delicious but 4 other of my family members, it's juz average..! after dat, my dad drove us 2my grandpa's graveyard 4 some management stuff... v went sri petaling carefore den.. i bought a high heel shoe at a shop there... v went home ard 4pm..! my cousin sed she'll fetch me at 6pm..! after i awake fr nap, it rains so heavily..! i juz wonder whether d function will be cancelled..! hope it will not be..!
I wait 4my cousin 2fetch me once after I awake fr nap..! it’s stil raining heavily…v miss d entrance n hav 2 u-turn back.. it took us quite alots of time..! once v reach there, v can c some fans club members wearing d same t-shirt… they r wet bcos of not using umbrella… v wait in d car 4 10minutes bcos it stil rain heavily..! when d rain bcome smaller, v go out fr d car using umbrella..! when walk until half way, I oni realize dat I left d ticket on d car..!!!! v hav 2walk back 2 car park again..!! v saw yee wei, sze wen, n rue hann coming when v r walking 2 d entrance 4 2nd time… dat’s a long journey walking fr d entrance 2 d beach… many ppl reach there liao..! v choose a place where in front of us is a big tree… although it’s no d closest distance dat in our choice, but it’s d best view liao.. dis is bcos nobody is blocking in front of us..! n now, it’s oni 7pm… v hav 2 wait in rain for almost 1 more hour.. I dun expect dat he’ll came on time..! mayb…830pm… rue dey all join us 15 minutes later.. wen bought lee hom’s cd at d entrance.. me n my cousin wonder shud v buy d cd as it’s reli many ppl here… it’s not worth it if v dun get his autograph…
D mc come out n invite 5fans 2go up 2d stage 2sing lee hom’s song..! n now… v r standing a level higher as d security lazy 2 control us..! it’s a very good view 2c lee hom..! Lee hom came out after a firework at sunway lagoon bridge…!! He is wearing a white long sleeve wif a blue jeans..! it’s casual but charming..! after saying hello, he start singing his songs.. “zai mei bian” follow by kiss goodbye… it’s juz 2nice..im so happy dat I can listen him singing “kiss goodbye” live..! after “gai shi ying xiong” & “di yi ge qing chen”…. he sing “hua tian cuo” without music..!! d autograph session start abt 9pm..! v can bought his album at d counter in front… my cousin n I stil wonder whether v shud buy his album… it’s very crowded here as some ppl need 2 stand in d water…at last, v decided 2try our luck as d mc assured us dat every1 of us here will get his autograph today..! v can oni c lee hom in close distance when v r getting his autograph..! v met back sze wen dey all using “umbrella way”! it’s quite funny as v point up our umbrella 2let dem c where’r v…
V almost squeeze into d lining up area but d stupid guy ask all of us 2go 2 d back.. d security here is juz 2bad…! Dat’s many times v suffer d same things.. dunno where’s d line start n where’s it end..! at last, v able 2 squeeze in d line which is quite in front..! n now, me n my cousin bought his cd liao..! when lining up in d vip area, I saw wen chin..! stil wonder wat shud I tell lee hom… mayb juz a “jia you” gua…. “I luv u”..? haha…dare not as so many workers ard him..”siu sei yan” meh..? haha..! when I was on d stage, d person in front of my cousin sed “jia you” 2 lee hom liao.. so do my cousin… m I going 2 say “jia you” again..? no no..! I juz sed.. “ni shi zui bang de”… abit “leong” le.. but dun k la..! he’s juz too handsome..!! it’s quite worth it I line up 4 so long..! he use his left hand 2sign 4me..! hehe.! =p
V stil stay there after v gets his autograph..! v can c him in close distance under d stage..! v start going home at 10.40pm.. lee hom, c u in ur concert is wat v tell him bfr v left.. he mustn’t be able 2listen 2us..haha…v took a photo of lagoon nite view on d way going back..! there’re stil alots of ppl lining up 4 autograph.. mayb lee hom need 2 sign overnite..! me n my cousin cancel d plan going yam cha as it’s very late now..! I reach home abt 1130pm..! wow… v stand abt 5 hours juz now..! dis is my 2nd time I c an artist in such a close distance.. d 1st 1 is..? zai zai la..haha.. stil dun understand y I lik him so much dat time.. d fans dat coming today is much more den d zai zai 1… lee hom is juz 2 geng as he can sign by both his left n right hand..!
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