Mei Fong's back..!

7th march 06~~
It had been half a year mei fong went 2 India..! she's back "secretly"...haha...=p luckily i get my leave today was approved by sherry..! me, lynn, ee ling. n mei fong meet at chs 1st bfr v go 1U 2meet wan ting n pang hou..! y r v going back 2 chs..? at 1st v 1na visit some teachers.. after v reach there, den oni v realise dat act v dun hav much teacher 2 visit..! li yur unable 2join us she got class until 6pm..! during our lunch, our topic is wat's our future plan or other's future plan... huh...i edi reach dis stage of life. where d topic w frens is abt future undertakings.. our topic wll change 2 "our own family" very soon...oh no!! after d lunch, v went 4movie..! final destination 3..! yeah... i 1na watch dis movie...!! hehe..! wt did not join us 4movie as she got something 2 do in inti while ee ling watch it 2nd time wif us..! after d movie, v went arcade..! haha... now oni i knw y so many ppl lik 2 go arcade..! it was fun..! i had been work 4 1month n seldom go out wif frens in dis 1month... my life become so boring n todays outhing is very meaningful 4me..! bfr v go home, v plan 2 go lagoon nxt week..! i fetch mf 2 mv bfr i went home..! i'll nvr drive ard 6-7pm at main road as d traffic is 2 bad..! tml need 2 work again..! haizzz...nvm.... nvm.. cheer up... muz lik wat m i doing..! =)

7th march 06~~
It had been half a year mei fong went 2 India..! she's back "secretly"...haha...=p luckily i get my leave today was approved by sherry..! me, lynn, ee ling. n mei fong meet at chs 1st bfr v go 1U 2meet wan ting n pang hou..! y r v going back 2 chs..? at 1st v 1na visit some teachers.. after v reach there, den oni v realise dat act v dun hav much teacher 2 visit..! li yur unable 2join us she got class until 6pm..! during our lunch, our topic is wat's our future plan or other's future plan... huh...i edi reach dis stage of life. where d topic w frens is abt future undertakings.. our topic wll change 2 "our own family" very soon...oh no!! after d lunch, v went 4movie..! final destination 3..! yeah... i 1na watch dis movie...!! hehe..! wt did not join us 4movie as she got something 2 do in inti while ee ling watch it 2nd time wif us..! after d movie, v went arcade..! haha... now oni i knw y so many ppl lik 2 go arcade..! it was fun..! i had been work 4 1month n seldom go out wif frens in dis 1month... my life become so boring n todays outhing is very meaningful 4me..! bfr v go home, v plan 2 go lagoon nxt week..! i fetch mf 2 mv bfr i went home..! i'll nvr drive ard 6-7pm at main road as d traffic is 2 bad..! tml need 2 work again..! haizzz...nvm.... nvm.. cheer up... muz lik wat m i doing..! =)
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