Port dickson trip wif bro & sis...
~~ v r going 2 sleep here tonite... ~~

~~ having "party"... ee ling.. come n join us..! ~~

~~ 8 ppl in atos..!! ~~

~~ y m i so fierce..? im so dark compare 2 li yur..! ~~

~~ nice..? ~~

~~ PD got such a nice beach ~~

~~ me, li yur, jun lynn, eng hou, tall to short..? haha.. ~~

~~ the sisters ~~

~~ at the temple ~~
20th may 06~~
I wake up at 9am today… after finish packing my luggage to PD n finish eating breakfast, it’s edi 1030am… bfr eng hoe reach my home, I received lynn call dat she’s edi at d bus stop..! I get d news dat eng hoe is going to Australia soon n mayb will not be back 2 malaysia… hmmm.. dis make me think again whether I shud go singapore.. d tuition fee in NUS is alots cheaper den going 2 australia n it’s a good chance 2study oversea n in a better university.! However, Australia is a much more better country 2stay compare 2 singapore.. I muz think very carefully after dis PD trip… after lynn get into d car, li yur n her bf appear.. huh.. at 1st I stay in d car n din come down.. who knw enghoe n lynn ask me whether li yur change bf liao… at once I jump out fr d car n c..omg.. seriously d guy is not jiro… it’s quite unexpected cos I nvr heard d news bfr.. after a short introducing, d guy is jian min.. haha... there muz be a story behind.. anyway.. v din ask li yur 2tell us now as ee ling stil not here yet.. or else li yur hav 2 repeat again when ee ling reach..
V decided 2visit chs while waiting 4 ee ling.. when v r on d way 2sports centre.. v saw lim yoke kheng..scary la.. nvr expect 2c her here.. after visiting d koir room, ping pong n squash room, v sam some ppl r playing volleyball in d big sports cente… v decided 2find swee king.. haha.. he’s teaching taekwando in d hall.. r v bad not teling him where r v going later..? haha.. ee ling reach chs wif chris while v r chatting wif swee king.. v find pn lim yoke keng at her office… it’s edi 2 years pass n she can stil rmb us n wat society v joined.. so touching le… after exchange contact no wif her, v start our journey 2 PD.. n now is d time 4 li yur 2 tell us her story..! haha. Wah… it’s reli lik “story”.. hmmm.. 4me, i juz feel dat it’s hard 2 find a ppl who lik u n u lik him/her.. so li yur.. jia you oh..! ee ling sed she’s going 2 australia end of dis year.. oh no.. y every1 is leaving..? act dis trip n perhentian trip hav a common thigs.. many of those who join r leaving Malaysia 2study oversea soon… mayb dis is d last trip wif dem....
V turn into wrong exit of d highway..so it makes our journey longer… nvm la..all of us keep on chatting in d car..! v pass by d city of PD.. act dat’s many nice beach at PD other den d beach at ancasa.. v saw a Mexican bar n plan 2come her tonite.. hehe.. when passing by a temple, v go in “ zhuang xiang”.. dis is my 1st time visit temple wif frens other den during ns time… v went temple every weekends..! after take some photo there, v check in at ancasa apartment.. v decided 2o 4lunch instead of wait 4 dao, pang hou, n keat seong… v discuss whether 1na go melaka bfr v r oing back 2kl tml..! wow.. it's going 2be fun but v r having transport prob as v got oni 1 car.. after lunch, v drive along d PD road.. v purposely come out fr d car 2take photo near a beach… d whether is so hot..! v go n eat cendol near d beach 4public.. d cendol had finish n v eat oni abc there.. dey plan 2play water scooter dis evening… it sounds fun.! dao dey all stil not yet reach… v drive along d road n find which restaurant is d cheapest 4us 2go 4seafood dinner tonite.. v eat cendol at a place near ancasa… after v ordered cendol, dao dey all sed dey reach PD bus station liao..! eng hou n lynn go n fetch dem while me, ee ling, n li yur continue eating at d stall..!
It took almost half an hour 4dem to come back.. since d guy is so tired taking bus… so v, d gals decided 2walk back 2 apartment..! hehe.it’s juz less den 5minutes walk..! ahha.. once v reach apartment, v change our clothes n start our activity at once.. act it’s ard 5pm now.. v 1na play beach volleyball but d court was booked by others.. sad.. so v go to d beach 4 water scooter… hmmm.. v spent alots of time bargaining price wif d ppl..! at last v get 4 water scooter for 15 minutes..! me n eng hoe, lynn n pang hou, ee ling n keat seong, li yur n dao ride a water scooter each..! without practice, d ppl in charge straight away let eng hoe drive without practicing… mayb is bcos eng hoe drive it bfr… so d ppl in charge joining me n eng hoe.... it’s good oso cos im sitting in d middle so will not feeling dropping out…it’s so exiting speeding on d sea especially when v r playing corner turn n oso when d big wave is coming..! it’s s hard 2 open my eyes as d water splash on my face..! it’s painful oso..! dao n pang hou dey al slightly collide wif a few rocks in d middle of d sea… luckily there’r advise fr d ppl in charge who r on our water scooter.. dis 15 minutes pass so fast… it’s so fun..!
After all, v play at d PD sea.. yarks.. d sea water is so so so dirty..! juz keep on telling myself do not compare it wif perhentian island.. lynn, dao,n eng hou start their redang’s games..! throwing sands balls..! our body is full wif sands..! pang hou drop his spec accidentally… v can’t c single things even v use goggles 2deep into d water… however, he manage 2find back his spec by using our legs..! after d sand ball battle, again v start playing “the killer”..! it’s my 1st time as the game marshal..! hehe.. it’s so fun pushing ppl’s head down to d water after they were killed..! =p bfr going back to ancasa, d guys start sand balls war again..! me n lynn ran as fast as possible n was able to escape..! however, when v r waiting dem at d place v put our things, v saw all of dem squeeze down n looking at li yur.. she seems lik hurt her toe..! me n lynn think of waiting there but they r there so long liao. As if li yur hurt badly.. so v get li yur so water.. however, once v reach there, all of dem throw sand ball to us..! omg.. v r cheated..!!! me n lynn get a lesson—dun be too kind…!
V wash ourselves a pool side bfr going back to apartment… d key was left in eng hou’s car… d guys sed dey r going to take d key.. so v juz wait here.. after abt 15monutes of waiting, dey r stil not back yet.. so v juz wonder dey will juz leave us here n dey had gone back 2take bath.. so v juz went back to d apartment instead of continue waiting…v dun hav keys n oso hp.. v knock d door.. no ppl giving response plus no sounds inside.. after waiting or a while outside d apartment, v start thinking whether v shud trust d guys n wait dem at d pool.. however, after v start thinking whether v r wrong 4not trusting dem, v heard some sound inside…! Omg.. dey r inside..!!! again v knock d door as hard as v can..! n now de yoni open d door 4us..! reli “guo fen” le… it’s time 4us 2 revenge now..! 1st who suffer was eng hou n pang hou… v use our towel n d pillow to beat dem..! dao n keat seong hide in their room.. v ask eng hoe n pang hoe to call dem out… n now it was dem hitting by us..! haha…! Reli nvr think dat dey will treat us lidat le..! treat 4gals lidat..? as conclusion fr 4 of us, dey dun tink v r gals..!
After finish bathing, v went out 4dinner… 8 of us try 2get into eng hoe’s car… wow… 8 ppl in atos….! V travel lidat to d restaurant..it’s so so so funn..! i juz wonder wat d driver whose car drive behind ours think when he sw so many ppl in an atos…! It’s funny oso when v get down fr d car… so many ppl come down fr an atos..! haha..!! v waited 4 almost an hour bfr our dinner was served..! v spent dis 1 hour talking n reviewing our life in f4 n f5.. how r v called bro n sis..? v can’t get d answ cos every1 had 4gotten abt it..! drama n sch concert dancing, japanese buffet dinner, genting trips where 2head pefect ponteng together, n many many things…
After dinner, v went to a pasar malam near d town.. it’s edi 10pm something so most of d stall was closed.. it’s a malay pasar malam.. after dat, v went to d Mexican bar.. most of us ordered cocktail.. pang hou is so special.. he ordered graveyard..! wow.. he din drunk..! v spent abt 2hours chatting at d bar… it’s my 1st time chatting wif frens while having some drinks in a bar.. d feeling is so good… d waitress inform us dat dat’s a road block along d road here.. she oso realize dat all of us coming in an atos.. so paiseh le.. so v decided 2let eng hou drive twice..! me, pang hou, n lynn were 1st 2reach apartment.. v talk on d bed while waiting 4 others..!
8 of us squeeze on a queen size double bed 4 chatting.. at last v decided 2put all d tilam out 2d living room.. v r going to sleep there together..! hehe…! v talk teh whole nite..! most of d topic is between boy gals relationship… most funny ppl is eng hou wif his “300 years” talk.. keat seong was “zat” by us.. he reli dun look lik a doctor la..! not to look him down cos he’s reli smart… but… mayb a doctor is not suitable 4him cos he’s too funny liao…! Ee ling is d 1 who protect gal’s right.. li yur is d love counselor… pang hou is d 1 who keep on asking question so datv got topics to continue chatting.. ard 5am, most of dem fall asleep liao… me, dao, lynn, n ee ling gambling black jack.. ee ling suddenly stand up n go into d room without a single word.. v tot she’s going 2toilet who knws she went to d bed to sleep..! so me, dao, n lynn continue gambling wif mahjong n din sleep 4 d whole nite..!