~~ photo~~

~~ the dancers~~

~~dat's more coming in for photographing~~

~~ dunno wat to say liao~~

~~ my mummy n me~~

~~ kiki & me ~~

~~wedding photo behind~~

~~another sign board~~


~~ there r more kids out there...~~

~~ d big cake behind~~

~~blue sky hotel~~

~~ in d room~~

~~ v take photo while every1 is bz... =p ~~

~~walking down d stair~~

14th june 06~~all of us wake up in d early mrng.. after eating soto at d same place as ytd, v went to ah bun ko ko house.. mayb v r too early..? many of dem haven get ready.. dis is my 1
st time joining d wedding where im d relatives of d bridegroom..! ah bun ko ko accompany by his best man, a quite handsome n stylish guy i can found in
balikpapan.. not very sure he came fr
balikpapan or other places… haha.. =p v went to d bride house.. however, y no hon-ing
when v almost reach d bride house..? hmmm.. mayb d culture is different fr
Malaysia… d bride’s family prepare soto for us to eat.. oh no.. soto again..! d bride follow us back to ah bun ko ko house… after a while, dey leave d house again to bumi indah, my uncle’s house.. most of us din follow… after dey came back fr bumi indah, it’s
“yam cha” time..! d camera man team seems lik so pro..! dat’s so many ppl in d house now.. well.. most of dem i dunno who r they.. it’s time to hav lunch in ah bun ko ko’s house… well.. i din eat anything bcos im too full wif 2plates of soto juz now..! my auntie dey all went home ard 1pm for make up…! Well.. i reach home abt 2pm n waiting for make up n set hair oso.. it’s quite ma fan la..need to make up even every1 is very bz..
wen li biao sao help me, my mum, my 2 auntie make up.. v hired 2ppl fr salon to set hair for us.. all of us r asked to reach blue sky hotel at 430pm for family photo shooting.. well.. it’s quite impossible to finish make up for so many ppl in such a short time.. v reach d hotel abt 5pm something.. however, those who make up in hotel by d surabaya’s famous make up ppl oso juz finish their make up.. it’s time for shooting family’s photo.. well. dat’s not every1 of d family member attends as most of dem r late.. when it’s turn for d bride n bridegroom to take photo wif every family of their relatives, some guest came so d photo session delay til after d dinner.. while waiting for guest 2ame in, i spend my time taking photo here n there… mayb bcos of some misunderstanding, dat’s not enuf place for guest.. d table were added to 76 table in stead of 68 table..! juz can imagine d food is all “evenly distributed”.. my mum n my aunt dun hav place to sit while i sit wif qin qin jie jie..
d opening ceremony of d dinner is by a gp of dancer.. dey r very pretty..! dinner starts ard 8pm.. al of us r so hungry edi..! dat’s many performance going on..! d highlights of d performance is by kiki—a bencong.! D dishes is stil ok.. but it’s quite expensive.. after d dinner, i hav a talk wif qin qin jie jie’s bf.. d photograph session continue..! my mum din eat anything juz now bcos of not enuf place to sit.. so v went for supper for some of dem who din eat in d dinner oso..! again it’s soto..!! all of us wear dinner dress to eat at d street..! so kek..! al of us r so tired after reach home.. wow… wedding is such an hectic stuff… preparations n every things on d wedding day… huh… kek..!